5.2 The heat of Horanghi and Nunpyobeom

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"Are you sure no one followed us?"

"Yes. I can do a full perimeter check if you wish, my lord." proposes Namjoon quickly. Jimin gracefully ditches the jangot he was wearing all along to guard his identity.

Namjoon easily notices that the clothing is not one that looks good on him. Of earthy and dirty colors, meaningless with his pale and neat existence. However, that way no one could tell he was royalty.

Mon settles into the first corner he likes and the house is shaken from head to toe by Namjoon. It's not as big as the previous one, but bigger than his. If they don't tell him which way to get here, he wouldn't have known in a million years. It is the most secluded place in Hwanwon, undoubtedly.

Perfect for keeping the winter-born Omega safe.

When he was done with the cleaning, he set about looking for what could be made to eat. As usual, he did it all by himself. As prepared, well garnished and laid out as usual. With the difference that on this occasion, there is one more dish.

"Thank you very much for the food, Namjoon."

"Not at all, my lord." he replies observing it cautiously.

Meat less cooked than usual, a stronger and more pungent stench, wild spices less processed. There is something here that is a far cry from the aristocratic life of Jimin and the palate it creates. Omega is reticent at first, with his manners preventing him from saying it out loud or showing it.

As the bites pass, his eyes dilate, his ears perk up and his stench intensifies.

For Namjoon, something wonderful begins: routine. Wake up in the morning, make a supervisory round of the territory, prepare breakfast, eat together with the door open to see the snowy landscape; go out to hunt for what they will eat later and let it cook for the hour between dinner and lunch.

Sometimes he removes the skin for later use, sometimes he only removes the organs and nothing else.

The important thing in the end is that this time he does it with Jimin watching him. They don't talk much, more like monologues on the leopard's part. The house is full of books, canvases and other objects that give the impression of being a hideout for lovers. Jimin reads aloud, gives his opinion, sometimes they play Mahjong.

It's a calm and warm coexistence despite the fact that he is the worst cold anyone could ever come across.

"Have you had partners?"

"I've had a few. Just for not spending the rut with no one," Namjoon replies. Jimin swings his legs back and forth, lying face down on the futon carelessly stretched out on the bedroom floor, "But they haven't been anything lasting. For the most part, they acquiesced under the fear that I would murder them."

"And what happened next?"

"They wanted to stay and I made them leave. I have little interest in people who merit so much talk as to whether or not I'm worth their affection."

Jimin purrs, throwing his ears back; he crawls over to Namjoon and hugs him by the shoulders.

"I guess you despise me then." assumes Jimin quietly.

"It is impossible for me to despise you, my lord." assures Namjoon. Jimin laughs.

"Would you prove it to me? How far can your appreciation for me go." He rubs his cheek with Namjoon's, soft and slow. Namjoon grabs his wrist and kisses the back of his hand.

"If that's what you wish."

Jimin gives a chuckle.

"I'm not supposed to be touched by anyone. When I get married, I can't be a used animal," he comments in hums, curling fingers in Namjoon's hair, "but just once, I'd like to know how it feels to be appreciated for what I am."

Namjoon pulls him to hold on his lap. He presses his lips together with Jimin, who holds him by one cheek and rolls his tail with the opposite one.

As he rightly said, he lacks experience, so Namjoon has no discomfort in guiding every contact between the two. Putting him under him and keeping the possibility of him regretting it at any minute. Fortunately, that instant doesn't come.

Seeing each other naked makes them bristle all over. Eyes dilated and ears back. Jimin engages in kissing Namjoon, caressing his hair, shoulders and back; sighing and gasping when the kisses move to his chin and neck. The Alpha slips large, deadly teeth, scratches shallowly across pale skin and lifts an ear at Jimin's exclamation.

The leopard wheezes as he feels invaded, constipated and impressed by the way his small body can accommodate the opponent's massive manhood. They stare into each other's eyes for long minutes, hair sticking to their bodies from hot sweat.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes... Yes I'm fine."

He tentatively kisses Namjoon's lips and hugs him to himself. Jimin squeezes the eyes shut and locks the legs around Namjoon's hips, feeling his thrusts at first soft and slow; the penis slowly sliding into the stretched interior, growing more and more accustomed to this invasion.

When the discomfort disappears and the pain is nil, Jimin moans loudly and the pleasure is evident in his loose hormones, trying to outshine Namjoon's just as hard and even harder.

Because he had never felt this comfortable before. One thing Namjoon didn't mention to Jimin, is that he had never done it with another beastman. The boils do not even under threat acquiesce. Afraid to die.

He is the first partner beastman in his life. He wishes and aspires to be the only one. Same in Jimin.

"No... inside."

"I'm keeping that in mind."

Jimin arches, moaning higher and higher pitched and emitting the sound of his lover, who can't resist biting him on the shoulder, controlling his inner animal enough not to do it on the neck.

Not until Jimin discovers that area of his body for himself. He offers it to possess him completely.

How is he so sure that Jimin will do it?

It is simply obvious.

He doesn't intend to let go either. No one else will give him the protection and stability he can give him. Jimin for his part, still feeling the tiger's heart against his chest and the warm seed spilling into his abdomen, questions whether he could remain eternally in these arms so protective and full of charm.

"Don't let go of me yet." asks Jimin sleepily. His whole body doesn't stop tingling.

"I will when you ask, my lord."

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