3.2 Talktive Horanghi

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"I doubt they'll let you stay here," says Namjoon stroking Mon's head, who is barely able to meet him so far. Namjoon senses the animal's concern. "Stay close, I'll call you if I need your help. Take care." he asks giving it a kiss on the forehead.

Mon grunts and walks slowly away through the forest trees. Returning to the big house, Namjoon notices Jimin sitting at the edge of the hallway, gazing at the sky in awe. The starry, cold night is very beautiful, not so in his comfort. Namjoon has frozen cheeks and the feeling that if he doesn't get under a blanket, he's going to have the biggest cold of his life.

"Anything specific that excites you my lord?" he asks once he reaches him. Jimin shakes his head.

"I like to take advantage of when my brother sleeps. He doesn't like me to be out of my room. Only to bathe and eat. Otherwise, it would be better to be inside," Jimin replies. The loose, straight hair so long that it sprawls across the floor and blends in with the steamy clothes.

"And doesn't it get cold out here?" he replies worriedly. Jimin shakes his head.

"I need the cold to live. My body rejects warmth. After all, winter is my father and without it, sick" he explains tersely. Namjoon nods and sits down beside him. "If you could be with your family would you go?"


"How quick."

"My family does nothing but turn me into something I'm not. Going back would be torturous."

"But you would have those who love you."

"I don't think they love me" he comments frankly and bites his cheeks for a moment, Jimin feels every hair on his body bristle. "Because if they did, they wouldn't try to change or suppress who I am. However, at every chance in hand, they would try to make me like them and not be me." Namjoon swings his legs flush to the ground. Jimin's miss by quite a distance, remarking on his short stature.

"They wanted to make you fit into the world they offered you." says Jimin softly.

"I don't want a world like that. So closed and sad..." He turns his head towards Jimin and the Omega does the same. "I'd be just like you right now, longing to run free with nothing to hold me back."

"You think that's what I long for?"

"I can tell. Very easily."

He slowly brings his hand closer and as he makes contact, Jimin leans against him. Purrs emerge as Namjoon rubs his thumb against the soft cheek of the wintry son. It is impossible not to bond, not to be comfortable with each other's presence. They are alike, not to say almost the same with superficial differences.

"Would you like to take a walk?"

Jimin opens his eyes, pupil slitted and small, analyzing Namjoon, detecting him with a possible threat and thus his offer.

"Nothing would happen to you with me and I promise you will enjoy it very much; more than you think, my lord."

Namjoon stands up and offers him his hand. Jimin hesitates for a few brief moments before taking the tiger's hand. His bare feet make contact with the snow and contrary to worrying him about a possible burn, Namjoon knows that nothing will happen to him.

He walks with Jimin a step behind and in the secretive silence of the night, they enter the forest. Initially there is nothing special or interesting about it. It's just a space full of dark, leafless trees, the snow a little sparse because of the trunks accidentally absorbing it.

Jimin stops, noticing a huge root that interrupts the passage. Namjoon crosses it and without asking permission, knowing it is granted, he carries the Omega in his arms. Jimin analyzes it. From the smallest faction to the slightest reaction to his presence. He gives a slight sigh. Namjoon narrows his gaze at him.

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