6. Slowly romance between Horanghi and Nunpyobeom

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"Namjoon Do you think I'm pretty?"

The tiger turns his head abruptly and with practically offended gesture, for how could he think of asking such a question? The reaction is more exaggerated and genuine thanks to barely having just woken up. Jimin laughs, lying on Namjoon's chest and drawing invisible figures on the bare skin with light indelible scars.

"When I was little, I was a very ugly boy. Or so everyone in the clan said. Jin even punched me in the face and left my eye like that" he comments as something funny and well, for him it is. They were just kids and certainly, they put too many ideas into his older brother, "I cried a lot all the time. My mom couldn't comfort me and I was lonely... but my dad was there. Kyeoul has always been there for me when I feel lonely."

"Bom does the same thing, but it didn't happen to me that someone would call me ugly for having animal attributes."

"I was a deformed and ugly puppy. I would change shape unintentionally. It was horrible."

Namjoon laughs through his nose. He understands more now why he was punched in the face. If a child appears to him with a leopard snout and human eyes, it would be a little creepy to see.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" he asks again. His cold blue eyes into Namjoon's calm and peaceful gray eyes.

"Yes, I think you're beautiful, my lord."

Jimin gives a chuckle, closing his eyes and resting his cheek on Namjoon's breastplate.

"You're the most handsome Alpha I've ever seen."

~ * * * ~

"A rabbit?"

"Small, long ears... Of course I'd like to be a rabbit!" admits Jimin giggling, combing his own tail through a few annoying knots. "They'd have to spoil me all the time and wouldn't be afraid of me."

Namjoon sets aside the fur he was cleaning, with the idea of making it a pair of boots later. He wipes his hands, arms and face; he approaches Jimin and with his index finger makes him lift his face. Being face to face and so close, Jimin blushes slightly.

"I am not afraid of you, my lord."

"Because you are a tiger, Namjoon why would you be afraid of me? That I'm practically, a spoiled cat in comparison." provokes Jimin and Namjoon gives a laugh. With a little pressure, he gets him to half-open his lips.

"These fangs are anything but of a palace cat." ironizes the tiger.

Jimin laughs wrinkling his nose. He reaches over and rubs it with Namjoon's. The tiger scrunches up his face equally, smiling at the tenderness it provokes in him. Jimin grabs his wrists.

"Do you like that I'm a feline? Is that what attracts you to me?"


"What do you like?"

Namjoon stifles a smile. So that happens. Jimin is so ashamed of what he really wants, he doesn't say it and signals about it.

"I couldn't tell you a specific part, my lord" He quickly looks for some specific detail to focus on. "Maybe the ears, which are so expressive and light as simple cotton" He cocks his head. "The spots that flirtatiously cover most of his back and adorn all of his skin? Perhaps the pale, cold eyes, like watching an icy storm capable of saving you from an impertinent hunter."

Jimin gasps, letting go and letting himself be taken by the Alpha's face. The latter kisses him on the lips and caresses his cheeks.

"There is much about you that I like, my lord. Don't ask me to continue, unless you want graphic and tactile exposure, beyond words." recommends Namjoon, wary. Jimin pouts. His eyes watery and dilated.

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