Chapter 5

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Cho's POV:

I think misty forgot that he gave me food yesterday because he's feeding me again! I don't think I'll be able to eat anything but I don't want him to get mad. He tilted his head(?) slightly when he saw me staring. Bad bad bad! I look down and try not to make eye contact or move.

Kurogiri's POV:

She went still when I gave her half a sandwich and some grapes. Perhaps she dislikes grapes...

I go to take the plate away but she takes hold of the sandwich and holds it close to her chest whilst breathing heavily, almost as if she was on the verge of a panic attack.

Taking a step back, I let go of the plate and try to think of what brought this on. The only thing I could think of was the plate. "I'm not taking your food away. I thought that you perhaps didn't like the food since you didn't seem too interested. Maybe I was wrong?" In return I got a small hum. "I see."

"So what is the issue?" I ask slightly confused, she put down the plate warily and signed 'ate already. Yesterday.' This made me slightly upset, as if something was clawing at my stomach. "Yes you ate yesterday but you need to eat 3 times a day." Cho shakes her head and nibbles on the sandwich, trying to eat when she's clearly not used to eating so often. "How about this. You have one big meal a day, two or three bottles plus a snack." She seems to think it over before nodding. We can work on how much she eats over time. Time. That's what we need right now, lots of time.

After she finished what she could, she allowed me to pick her up and bring her back to my room for a nap. Not long after that Sensei asked to meet me, so I warped to him only for him to tell me that him and the young master have planned to attack UA in two days. Usually this wouldn't be a problem but I can't leave Cho alone. She might have a panic attack or think I have left her. There's no one I could trust to take care of her either. I have to go on this mission. I can't bring her with, that would be dangerous. If I stay behind the scenes though, she wouldn't be in danger. I am only there for transportation...

"Young master." He looks at me for a moment before looking back at his game, "I'm not fighting correct? I'm just transportation." He nods and mumbles something at I didn't quite catch. I now and walk back to the bar to attend to any patrons who were awake or wanted something. Fortunately, only Magne and Twice were awake so far. This meant I could go check on Cho really quickly before everyone else wakes up.

When I entered my room I found her curled up, practically swimming in the blankets and hugging the bear like her life depended on it. As soon as I walk closer she shoots up in a panic and starts crying; I instantly begin to comfort her as best as I could. "Please Cho, you need to calm down otherwise you'll make yourself sick from crying and stress." After a few more calm words and hugging her close whilst stroking up and down her back, she calmed down but she wouldn't let go of my shirt. I sigh and look around the room for any comfortable and slightly stretchy material. Thankfully I had some and made a makeshift baby wrap, I place her a bit more comfortably on my chest then wrap her up.

When I stand up, expecting to have to lean forward slightly because of the added weight but she was so light that the most I had to do was place a hand under her in case she slipped or wriggled about. I really have to get her weight back to a healthy range. As I enter the bar I notice a few more people awake and talking in the booths, along with a couple odd looks at the girl attached to my chest but no one said anything. "Giri, we got anything sweet to eat?" Himiko bounces over and leans over the counter with a grin on her face. I look at her for a moment before turning to the kitchen too look for the cinnamon rolls I know we have somewhere. Once I found it I placed two on a small plate and hand them to the teenage girl.


A little later master called me to his office, I planned to leave Cho on my bed but she had latched onto me and I didn't have the heart to take her off of me. I open up my warp gate and enter the dark office, only one small lamp lit the room. It was just bright bright enough to see a slight gleam on his dome and the wires poking out from all over his body. "I want the child attached to your chest to remove all energy from the USJ so there is no chance of communication between the students and teachers. There will also be another person there who can block signals in case they have another form of communication. A nomu will also be on standby for you to warp over. You will not have to engage in combat if you comply with all of what I've just said." I place a hand to my heart and bow slightly, using my other hand to hold onto Cho. "Thank you master. Should I inform the young master of this?" He weakly waves his hand, "no, I informed him a couple hours ago of the change."

He waves me off so I open up a warp gate and go straight back to the bar, serving drinks and cleaning glasses whilst checking on Cho every now and again. Thankfully things were quiet today, Dabi ordered some drinks and got drunk then dragged back to his room. Magne sat on a bar stool right in front of me and ordered some non-alcoholic drinks and spoke to me, also asking questions about Cho. The young master stayed in his room, only coming down for the occasional snack. It is highly likely he was trying to get as far as possible in his game before the mission.

I check on him one final time at 8:45 pm then walk to the kitchen to give Cho some milk to drink. I'd rather she have something tonight than nothing. Once the milk is warm enough I pour it into a cup with a straw. My plan is to get some supplies for Cho once I've put her to bed for the night, after all there is a shop near by that's open 24 hours a day. It should have some basics.

I watch Cho carefully as she drinks the milk with gusto, but as it starts to empty she starts to slow down and her head keeps dropping down. "Time for bed little one." She hum quietly and only whines for a moment when I took the cup away. "The only night clothes I have is a shirt that's too large..I suppose that'll do for now." I mumble to myself.

"Are you alright for me to change you?" I ask softly, brushing some hair out of her face. Cho leans into my touch slightly before recoiling and nodding. I carefully and quickly remove her say clothes and place the large shirt onto her, it looked almost like a dress with how large it was. "Perhaps it was a tad larger than I originally thought." Cho simply lifted her arms then dropped them with a huff. I chuckle and place her under the covers, making sure she has her teddy in her arms. "Good night Cho." I almost whisper, she made a small noise then cuddled into her teddy some more and closed her eyes. Once her breathing evened out I left for the shop to collect a couple things.


Just as I imagined there was only two other people in the store at this time, which made my job easier. I place a warp on the palm of my hand so anything I grab will be on my counter when I get back to my room. I warped two bottles, one teething toy and some milk formula. As to not look suspicious I pick up a pacifier, some extra formula and some pull ups to be safe. So far there's been no accidents but there no promises.

The clerk looks at me then at the things I've got before shrugging and letting me pay for them. When I exit the store I warp back to my room, on my counter was the formula and bottles along with the teether. I pick up the formula and bottles to place in the kitchen then go back to cleaning glasses and the bar counter in case anyone wakes up or wants something to drink.

Word count: 1527

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