Chapter 8

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Aizawa's POV:

It's been two weeks since I last saw Mic or the rat or the detective, I've been living in some small motel not far from the grimy alley that I'm currently sat in. I 'got in a fight' with one of the people on the list that Tsukauchi gave me, he got caught and I ran off, now I'm sat in some alley way trying to bandage a knife wound on my arm. Maybe I've been relying too much on my scarf lately...

I sigh and gently knock my head against the wall, just to let reality come back to me. Heavy footsteps along with the sound of chains began to echo, a shadow fills the entrance of the alley and a small blue flame is lit. "You've gathered quite the reputation for yourself, haven't you?" Bingo. I glare and him then go back to bandaging my arm, ignoring him enough to catch his interest. "Everyone has been talking about some white haired stranger who's been getting into fights lately. I wouldn't suppose that would be you?" He muses. I look at him sharply, "I didn't start the fights. I finished them." Not exactly true but the only people who can confirm that are behind bars at this very moment. He laughs, "Okay then...I'm curious about these fights. What's so special about you that everyone wants a piece of you? Did you piss someone off? Got a nasty quirk or something?"

I mumble just loud enough for him to hear, "yeah quirk, more like the lack of." He hums and crouches down in front of me, staring at me, or more specifically he stared at me then my arm which I crudely bandaged. "I'm going to offer you something special right now." He says as he unwraps the bandage and starts to redo it properly. "You can either continue to get in these little street fights and eventually get caught, for something you have no control over, or you can come with me and change the system. Make them regret ever picking on you for your quirk status." He holds out his hand and I stare between his blue eyes and his burnt hand. "How will I change anything? I've been treated lower than dirt since I got here since everyone only cares about quirks in this stupid country! If it wasn't for that stupid job offer I got 3 years ago I'd never even be here!" I yell out in 'frustration'.

"Trust me things will change." I take his hand warily and he helps me to stand. "So you're here 'cause of a job?" I nod, "I was transferred because of how well I was doing and they had a bigger branch over here but after like two years everyone found out I was quirkless and I was fired. For the last year I've been bouncing between jobs, hoping to get enough to get back to America or something. I don't really know why I'm telling you this, you probably think it's stupid anyways." He pauses in his tracks and turns slightly so I can see the glow of those blue eyes, it feels as if he can see right through me when he stares at me, it's almost unnerving. "Don't decide what I think is stupid or not. That's my choice, anyway I think it's pretty fair for you to be pissed off and fed up with crap like that. I know America has a lot more quirkless people and no one really cares over there." I nod, "yeah. Our quirked population is only at 60% compared to the like 5-10% over here." Dabi nods and I continue to follow, making sure to memorise the path. He said nothing for the rest of the walk to their base.

After a fairly long walk we make it to what looks like an abandoned building, though, most building in this area look abandoned. "Oi! Shiggy new recruit." He says pointing at me lazily before walking off to one of the booths and literally falling onto it. He must be tired I suppose.

"New recruit? He doesn't look like much? What's your quirk?" I look to Dabi as if pleading then look back at 'Shiggy'. "I-I don't have a quirk, that's why I want to help change things. I had a pretty good job then they found out I was quirkless then poof any job I got never lasted longer than a month. Then 3 weeks ago I had to turn to the streets and everyone wanted a piece of the new guy, found out I was quirkless and thought I was easy prey." A man with some sort of lizard mutation speaks up from one of the booths, "where are these guys now?" I shrug, "probably dead, in an alley or in jail." The leader stares at me for what seemed like forever before shrugging, "You're on probation though, two months and if you fuck up during that time you're gone." I nod and stand there awkwardly. "Just sit, get to know the people you'll be working with. There nothing happening yet and even if there was I don't trust you enough to help." I nod and sit down in the booth with the guy who has a lizard mutation and some buff guy with a magnet.

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