Chapter 16

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Cho's POV:

After the nice lady put me down to sleep I stayed in the room- waiting for papa to come back. I was up and down a lot during my nap time. I just felt nervous. He wasn't here to help me or feed me or....

No- I need to be big and strong until he gets back!

I cover myself with the fluffy blanket again one last time and roll over, keeping Sharks close as I close my eyes. I go sleep now and papa will be back when I wake up!

-a couple hours later-

I wake up and yawn, stretching myself out before rubbing my eyes. It was still just me. I was hungry and scared and I want my papa! Why did he leave? I was good- was I good?

Without realising I had started crying, leaving damp stains on sharky as he stared back at me blankly. "He'wl be home. Jus' gotta wait..." I mumble to the stuffed toy.

On the counter was a fresh bottle of milk that wasn't there when I fell asleep. Someone here? I don't think about it too much before I pick it up and curl in on myself, crying as I get my fill so I can sleep again. Once I finished I lean over to put the bottle on the side again but it slipped and fell onto the floor. The last drops of milk fell onto the floor.

I panicked and clambered out of my blanket coma to get a towel to clean up. The entire time I cleaned I cried knowing no one would come for me.

'Jacobs' POV:

Many times through the afternoon and early evening I heard crying and whimpering come from the room beside mine- the room that belonged to Kurogiri and the small child he protects.

After Magne brought her back to the room around lunchtime she never came out. No one had checked on her so by early evening I brought her some milk in case she wanted a drink, and it's a good thing I did because she was curled up in a ball sleeping and her eyes were red from crying.

I sighed and placed the milk down before leaving. Not even an hour later I hear the small shuffles that tell me she woke up, which was then followed by more crying and then a loud clatter. I really shouldn't be getting attached since I'm undercover but she makes it hard for you to not care for her.

After debating with myself, I end up knocking on the door and after a minute I open the door. That's where I found her on the floor cleaning up what I can assume is spilt milk. "Cho...." I say quietly as to not alert her. She spins around to face me then looks back at the mess then frantically begins cleaning.  "Hey- hey, it's okay. I'm not mad. Everyone drops things at some point. My partner drops something at least once or twice a day." I chuckle as she calms down slightly and smiles. "Why don't you go sit down and I finish drying the floor." She nods and hands me the wet towel she was using and climbs onto the bed and back into the mound of a blanket.

I grab a dry towel and quickly finish drying the floor before turning to the small child in front of me. "What's wrong?" I ask. She simply shrugs in return and it takes me a moment. "Right- umm write on my notepad." I say handing her my phone and opening the notepad app.

'Mist gone and no one else help' she writes, I nod and hum. "How about I stay with you for a bit?" She tilts her head and seems to be a bit unsure but after a short silence she slowly nods. "Okay, just so I know what I'm doing. What is you age?"

'1-4 but 8 now' I nod again, "well you can be whatever you want because you now have someone to take care of you again." She smiles and hides her face into a slightly dirty shark plush. "Are you hungry or do you want to do anything in particular?" She shrugs but doesn't hide her face when her stomach rumbles loudly. "Alright, I can go get something from the kitchen. Want to come with?" She shook her head and hid under the blankets some more. I hum and pat her head before leaving the room and promising to quickly return.

I come back to the room, knocking first, then hand her a small bowl of pasta that seemed to have been set aside especially for her. "You gotta come out of the blanket, don't want to get it dirty do you?" I say with a small smile. She shakes her head and crawls out of the blanket and onto the floor then makes grabby hands for the bowl. "Careful, it's hot" she nods and pats the ground instead.

"Also here's a drink" I add on, placing a juice box down beside her as she wolfed down the food. She only spared a quick glance to the drink before continuing. It probably took only a minute for food to end up on her face, the floor and thankfully in her stomach. "Aren't you glad we moved to the floor now?" I say chuckling softly. She grins at me in return and instead of using the plastic fork provided she went straight in with her hands. Seemingly too engrossed into eating and playing that she forgot who was in the room with her.

The moment she finishes I open the juice box for her, whilst she's preoccupied with that I clean the floor then once she finishes her drink I clean her hands and face. "Now do you need to bathe or just change?" I ask, kind of hoping it was just a quick change needed.

Unfortunately for me it wasn't, not only did she need cleaning up from eating but she didn't bathe in the morning since Kurogiri basically disappeared last night. I sigh and pick her up, careful to not get any sauce stains on myself, whilst bringing her to the bathroom. "Okay I'll run the bath just sit here for a minute." I say placing her down on the counter. Just what have I gotten myself into.

Once the bath is run I turn around and Cho is already undressing herself clumsily, I sigh and help her then turn away when she gets to her underwear. "Make a sound once your in the bath kid, then I'll turn around." After a small splash a small hum followed and I turned around. "Alright let's do this."

Let's just say that bathing my cat, who is called bastard, would have probably been easier. At first everything was fine then she started splashing about and wouldn't sit still, then I got shampoo in her hair but I wasn't allowed to rinse it out. Then after everything she wouldn't get out of the bath that was starting to get cold. Bath time took nearly 45 minutes.

I eventually got her dressed and ready for bed, she curled up in the mound of blankets and was latched onto the shark plush with a purple pacifier that seemingly appeared form nowhere. I sat on one of the chair for a couple minutes, contemplating what to do, I could stay and find out more information or take her now and bring her to a safe house. I groan and rub my face trying to figure out the best choice.

A/n: sorry I know it's been a minute since I've updated but I've been getting sick a lot lately cuz I'm reckless now it's summer, also! I know have a job so I can buy stuff >:3
Anywho thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1321

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