Chapter 19

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No one's POV:

Cho quickly put her plan into action, using things she found in the room to unscrew the vent and remove the cover. Ensuring to hide it under the bed far enough to make it look like the vent was always open. Then she climbed back into the bed and curled up whilst she waited on the feline cop to come back with the milk.

"I've got it but we only had a tumbler so I hope that's....was that vent always open?" The feline asks as he tilts his head to the side. Cho puts on her most innocent, confused look and just reaches her arms out for the drink, uncaring of anything else. "Oh right, here you go. Try to not drop it" Sansa warns whilst chuckling softly at the sight of her. 

She hums softly as she takes the plain looking tumbler out of the officer's paws. The milk was just the right warmth and it had a little sugar in it, Cho felt like she was melting. This was pure bliss!

So it was no surprise when she finished it in minutes, now full and warm she lays back down on her side and curls up under the blankets for a nap. She really was tired but...maybe just maybe this could work in her favour. Making sure to make a show of yawning loudly and getting comfortable she curls up and closes her eyes, making sure to hug the shark plushie close to her body as she starts to fall asleep.


When Sansa saw how hungrily the young girl drank the milk it shocked him a little bit he stayed silent and watched, then she put the tumbler down and curled up. Yawning adorably before nestling under the large mound that was a blanket. He chuckled softly and moved forward to take the tumbler away before turning the main light off and turning on a lamp which was substituting for a nightlight then exited the room to let her sleep in peace.

And sleep in peace she did.

For a few hours at least.

Then she woke up, yawned and stretched. Wiping her eyes tiredly before looking around the room and seeing she was alone. At first it made her sad and want to cry out for someone but then she realised this was her chance.

She threw the shark plushie into the vents and climbed up, shuffling into the enclosed space slowly. Soon she found herself deep in the ventilation system and she was starting to panic until she heard someone. Cho paused and looked out one of the vents to see Sansa asleep on a couch and not far from him was the front door with a cat flap. No detective in sight.

In a slip second decision she took off the vent cover then placed it down gently before picking up her shark plushie and slowly walking past the sleeping feline.

As soon as Cho could feel the breeze on her, she ran for the cat flap and threw herself at it. Climbing out with a huff before running as fast as she could. And once more she was free- no longer trapped inside a household she didn't wish to be in.

But she was also lost...again...

-meanwhile with Kurogiri-

"She must've snuck out or- or maybe someone took her, yeah.." Kurogiri mumbled as he paced back and forth. Toga and Spinner were searching all social media platforms to see if anyone posted anything with her in it or asking if anyone is looking for their child. Dabi was asking a few dealers if they'd seen anything in the alleys and Shigaraki well...he was gaming. At least the others were helping even if they didn't care for Cho as much as Kirogiri did. But the nomu did not hold it against him, he knew how his master was after all even if he wanted to boot him at this very moment in time.


"I FOUND HER!" Toga squeals as she waved her phone about. Within a millisecond Kurogiri was there, staring daggers into the phone.

Someone had posted a picture of a girl in a black onesie with dinosaurs on it, she was barefoot, had light green hair and a small shark plushie in hand whilst she stared into a bakery longingly. "Where..." Mamagiri...Kurogiri asks softly, finally exhaling after a long pause.

"Umm.." Toga takes her phone back for a moment and searches through the tags of the post. "She's an hour and a half away." The teen pauses and tilts her head, placing a finger on her lips confused. "How'd she get there barefoot? Her feet don't look hurt or anything.."

"She was taken" Kurogiri hisses, his must flares up an almost angry, fiery purple. He takes a moment to compose himself before straightening himself up. "I'm going to find her." He mumbles as a portal opens and he leaves.

The bar was silent after that, no one dared to utter a word.

Word count: 840

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