Chapter 17

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No one's POV:

It took 'Jacob' roughly 10 minutes to make his decision- he's bringing her to a safe house tonight and now. He peeked out the door one final time, checking for the bar's occupants. To his luck, there was four of them and one of the fast was asleep. He casually walked out, asked were the others are, nodded then went into the kitchen to get some water. He made a point to ask someone to wake him up when the others return or to wake him up in three hours. A thumbs up was all he needed to see before he yawned and walked back.

After opening his door and letting it shut with some force to add to his point that he's tired and he walked into the room without another care. 'Jacob' then silently walks back into the room that the sleeping little was in and slowly opened the window. Then it was a case of tucking her into the blanket tight so she wouldn't wake up and ensure that shes comfortable. Stuffed shark? Check. Purple pacifier? Check. Wrapped up tightly in the fluffy blanket? Check.

Carefully and effortlessly, he picks her up and climbs out the window, it wasn't like they were high up or needed to climb anything so his escape was quick and easy. All he had to do was get her to a safe house and call up the detective then return before his three hour grace period was up. How badly could this go?


Getting to the safe house took only a 35 minute run over roof tops it took another 10 for Aizawa's detective friend to turn up, it took another 25 minutes for the sleeping child to wake up.

1 hour 50 minutes remains.


"It is quite disturbing to see you looking like your polar opposite Aizawa or should I say Jacob?" The man in question glares at the detective for a moment before turning his attention back to the kid. "This has got to be quick, I've only got so long for an alibi." Tsukauchi nods and pulls out a voice recorder and does his usual intro of who we are, the time and date, and his quirk.

"Toga is a willing participant of the LOV and she can become manic when unprovoked, provoked or when she's without blood. The LOV are starting to work with the yakuza gang names the Shei Hissakai, they have met with the leader and worked with him for around 2 weeks. Shigaraki is in charge of the LOV but he follows the orders of a man he calls sensei, sensei usually has a 'doctor' with him and he is the one who helps to create the Nomu's." He pauses for a breathe and for the detective to say true before he continued. "Her name is Cho" that rung out as false which made us both pause, "she is an age regressor and is a very young one, usually around 1-4 years old. She has some form of PTSD which cause night terrors selective mutism and anxiety. I do not know her quirk or if she is a willing participant." The rest rang as true and the recording was stopped.

"For how long you were there this is actually a good amount of information." Tsukauchi hums, leaning back into his chair. Aizawa nods and stands up with a sigh, "I would love to stay and chat but I've got just under an hour to get back without being caught." The detective rolls his eyes at his friend and waves him off.

Aizawa or Jacob, now rushes back to his room and changes into some comfortable looking clothes and actually goes to sleep to try and keep up the illusion.

-back with the detective-

The kid woke up just after Aizawa left, at this point they had swapped out who was watching over her as the detective had to update the file on the LOV. Currently Sansa is watching her. So when she wakes up and stretches, taking in the unfamiliar room, she makes eye contact with a cat person.

Cho tilts her head and reaches out to touch his ears to see if they're real but the distance between them is too far and she falls of the bed, thankfully the officer caught her. She looks at him confused as he lifted her back onto the bed. Once more she reaches out to touch his ears, this time Sansa leans down a bit. This made Cho smile and let a small giggle slip as she gently touches and pets his ears. It was as if she had stars in her eyes. .

Not even five minutes later the detective returns and Cho bolts under her blanket at the sound of the room door opening. She couldn't quite make out what they spoke about as the blankets muffled the noise but she could tell someone was crouched beside her.

"Umm...Cho? Can you come out so we can talk or just so I can ask you a few simple questions?" The young girl in question peers out from under the blankets and watches the man in front of her. "Hi, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi and I am a detective. Do you think you could write down some answers for me?" He says handing her a notepad with some pencils.

She nods slowly, a little confused with what's going on. "Thank you Cho. Now, where do you live?"
'Spicy water place'
"How many people live with you"
"Who do you live with"
'Papa, red eyes, nice lady, blood, fire, mask, lizard, multiple, Tv'
"What is your name"
"How old are you?"
"Can you talk"

"Thank you Cho, that's all. You can go back to sleep or read a book." He says, standing up and taking the note book with him as he leaves. Once he's gone Cho finds herself being entertained by the cat person again, giggling and clapping her hands when he makes funny faces or tells a fun story.

-back with the LOV-

'Jacob was back with time to spare and slept the afternoon away, at the suspected wake up call he asked for someone basically kicked in his door and heavy footsteps followed until he was shaken awake. He opened his eyes and saw Magne, she was looking frantic and he did his best to act confused. "HAVE YOU SEEN CHO?! SHES GONE!"

Jacob yawns then pauses and opens his eyes wide with 'shock', "she's not in the room?" Magne shakes her head, "not under the bed or hidden somewhere?" Another shake. "Have you double checked?" She scoffs and drops him on the floor.

"Look I'm here to check if she's here or you know where she is- you still don't have our trust and don't think we haven't seen you staring at her." Magne growls, pointing a finger at him. "Look she reminds me of my daughter before she passed away alright!" He lies worried his cover has been blown.

Magne pauses and mumbles an apology before walking away, "we've got to find her before Kurogiri returns tonight.."

Word count: 1195

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