Chapter 15

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Mange's POV:

"So what was that about little miss 'me and kids don't mix'?" Dabi drawls out from the booth behind hers, still nursing a hangover from the previous night. I simply roll my eyes and look towards the kitchen, "let's be honest Dabi, if I didn't go to help that little ball of sunshine you would have. Especially considering that Jacob person seems to have an eye on her and Toga lately. You just can't help but want to protect the younguns." I scoff at him, it almost turned into a snarl when I remembered how much that man keeps staring at the two youngest members. It's almost concerning but as he hasn't made a move and hasn't harmed her we can't really do anything but watch from the shadows- behind a literal shadow.

Soon enough the little ball of sunshine that I mentioned returned from the kitchen with a small pouch in hand and a drink in a sippy cup, it looked to be some fruit puree snack along with some apple juice. At least she's eating well without Kurogiri here to watch over her.

I pat the side of me and Cho comes bounding over with a small smile on her face. "You got what you need kiddo?" She nods and shows me her spoils and I smile back at her, "Looks very tasty, now get comfortable because we've got nothing to do and nowhere to be." She nods and wriggles into the couch, subtly scooting closer to me for comfort if anything. Cho happily sat beside me in silence as everyone talked around her, sometimes she would tilt her head probably confused by what we're talking about. Sometimes Toga and Twice would try and get her to join in the conversation and they were perfectly fine with her giving hums as a response or writing her answers down. If anything Toga loved the suspense of not knowing what she would say.

It took just over three hours for a small yawn to quietly leave her lips and for her to nestle closer into me, the only problem is the fact that I desperately needed the toilet and to eat something along with feed Toga since she will probably forget it in favour of her blood packs/vials. "Dabi, could you hold onto her for a bit whilst I go to the toilet and make some food." He raises a brow and looks at Cho as her head dips forwards slightly. He sighs and opens his arms to move her closer, "Just make me something too." He grumbles. I nod and walk off to do what I promised.

When I returned from the bathroom and started making food both Toga and Twice's heads popped around the corner and slowly they began creeping closer to watch what I was doing. I rolled my eyes playfully at their antics and continued making their food.

Dabi's POV:

As soon as Magne left the other two weren't far behind, making sure to only 'sneak' into the kitchen once she entered and they could hear her humming her usual tune whilst she cooks. On my end I was pretty much alone. Compress was cleaning his masks and wasn't really making much small talk and I didn't feel like small talk either. Probably a good idea considering the kid is trying to sleep.

I feel Cho start shuffling about to the right of me so I turn to find her trying to get comfortable in her half asleep daze. She wasn't happy until she was curled up in my lap. I sigh but don't make an effort to move her, she looked comfortable and I don't blame her for coming closer, I am rather warm compared to the surrounding temperature.

Not even five minutes after she climbed onto me lap someone appeared from the other end of the bar and it wasn't Magne and her two idiots. It was Jacob. Without even realising my grip on her tightens slightly and I try to shield her from his view. Something about him doesn't feel right. Compress must have noticed the man too because he moved from his seat opposite me to next to me. At least this way he couldn't be next to her.

He looks around for a moment before his line of sight lands on us, I inwardly groan as he starts walking over to us and without a care in the world the white haired man sits down opposite me. "Those two are back from their misson rather early." He says gruffly, all he gets in return are curt nods and maybe a small hum, honestly I feared if I opened my mouth then I would rip him a new one for acting like he was about to steal Toga and Cho. Fucken pedo looking grandpa looking hobo smelling bitch.

It took a lot to just take my eyes off of him and return to caring for Cho instead, how I want to glare at the bugger and flip him the bird. But no unnecessary conflict in the bar and I would hate for Cho to wake up in that kind of hostile environment.  Damn this kid is making me soft.

I sigh and lean my head back to the top of the couch where I notice Magne is walking back with some food whilst her two idiots are eating their food and arguing over something dumb again. The villainess instantly notices Jacob and nods her her towards the rooms, I nod as well and try to act casual. "Welp- I'm going to go put this one to bed before she drools all over me. Save me some food." I say with a small huff before picking up Cho's small figure off the couch.

"What time kuro say he's gonna be back?" I ask whilst walking away. In return I get a bunch of incoherent 'I dunno's. Magne was the only one with a slight idea of when he'll be back and it's either late tonight or tomorrow. I hum and walk into his room.

It was quite bare like I expected but there's a couple drawings dotted around the room and a lilac blanket draped over the chair by the desk and instead of sheets like a normal person there's only a blanket, it's black and looks fluffy but no way can that be enough to keep a kid with no meat on her bones warm. I ignores any brotherly instincts and place her atop of the blanket before tucking her in nice and tight to hopefully keep her warm. I place the shark Compress gave her into her arms and turn down the lights.

A nightlight comes on automatically and I hold back a laugh, the sheer amount of colour his bland room now has 'cause of one small kid. I would almost call it cute.

I close the door quietly and notice Jacob looking in my direction the moment I'm in view. It was hard to hold back a snarl but something about this guy just doesn't sit right with me.

Word count: 1186

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