Chapter 9

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No one's POV:

Once every two weeks the bar opens up to all customers, not just the LOV and the bar is filled to the brim with patrons. Mainly due to the reputation that the bar has accumulated, 'every two weeks a dingy bar open up, the insides are much more grand than the outside and an unusual bartender makes the most divine drinks'. Most people get curious and look for this illusive bar, therefore packing it to the brim with people on the one day it opens.

This was originally AFO's idea, a way to bring in some extra cash and a peaceful way for people to see unusual quirks in a new light, plus the possibility of finding new recruits. Kurogiri though this a good idea at the time, but now, between caring for Shigaraki and Cho things have become a little harder. He didn't want to possibly put her in harms way again anytime soon so he put her down for a nap two hours ago, but he knows she's going to wake up soon. Unfortunately everyone is ordering drinks like there's no tomorrow and he has no time to checkup on her. She was also teetering between her headspaces right now so he's unsure if she'll react badly to other people being around her.

Though he does remember that she seemed calm enough with Magne and Dabi. Dabi was drunk right now so he wasn't the best choice and Magne seemed pretty busy making sure Toga didn't stab anyone. She hasn't really been introduced to anyone else and Kurogiri don't want to her to reacts badly and spiral back to when they first met a month ago. He's proud to say she's doing better, has gained a tiny bit of meat back onto her and is eating one full meal a day with a snack and a couple bottles. He felt pretty damn proud of himself. Back to the matter at hand though...

He calls over Magne, "Do you think you could check on Cho for me? Just in case she's hungry or needs anything." As if Magne could tell how worried he was, she smiled softly and walked over to Toga. Telling the girl she'll be gone for a moment then she walks down the hallway to Kurogiri's room.

After last night 'Jacob' suspected that one of the children that the league have is in the room next to him, this is because he heard screaming and other unusual sounds coming from the room. He was about to go investigate when he heard the door open. "Hey Cho, do you remember me?" Jacob could barely hear the soft hum through the walls, but he had his ear against the wall so he heard bits and pieces. "So, I was asked by Misty to come check on you because he's a bit busy right now. I see. Yup, that should be no problem. Why don't we go then?" He only heard Magne's voice and not the child's so he was confused but decided to follow anyways. He exits the room whilst stretching, as if their meeting was pure coincidence.

"Ah, Jacob hi." Magne says as soon as she notices him. He grunts in response then stares at the young looking girl that the villainess is currently carrying. He noticed how small she was and how thin she looked, this instantly set off alarm bells. "Are you going to the bar?" Magne asked as they all began to walk. "Uh yeah, I thought it might be a good idea to meet everyone else and maybe get some food?" She nods in agreement, "you likely won't meet the boss again anytime soon and you'll have to wait probably like 10 minutes or so for food because Kurogiri is quite backed up today." Jacob tilted his head confused, last night he only saw like 8 other people. "We open the bar once every two weeks to get some extra cash and stuff, unfortunately for Kuro he does a lot of work today and is unable to care for this little one. Though, talk about perfect timing, we had just lost like 3 members so I suppose it's a good thing that Dabi found you."

"What happened to the other 3?" Jacob asked curiously, they were just around the corner from the main bar and he could tell it was getting louder so he tried one last time for some more information. "One attacked this sweet thing, the other ate the arm of the other guy and he realised he wasn't ready for this kinda life. Simple, nothing scary." She laughs, "well, I think your best bet at finding a spot to sit is with Toga and compress or Dabi. Have fun!" Magne waves him off as she heads over to the bar and speaks to Kurogiri, she then goes behind the bar and into the kitchen. Turns out Cho was a bit hungry and wanted some of the leftover fruit from yesterday.

She sets Cho on the counter to go get the fruit bowl then stays with her till she finishes. Maybe then helps her wash her hands and brings her back out and begins walking back to the room when she heard it. "YEAH WELL YOU'D LOOK PRETTY IN RED FUCKER!" It was toga, one of the patrons must've tried something with her. In an instant Magne was rushing over but could do little to help with Cho wrapping herself around the villainess in fear. "Jacob. Bring her back to the room and make sure she's safe and calms down then come back here to help." He nods and takes Cho from her so she can go calm Toga down and help the pissed off teen kill the poor sod who tried something.


"So...." 'Jacob' has no clue what to say, sure he deal with teenagers but he's never seen her talk and she seems to be quite young still. "How long have you been with the league?" At first he thought she didn't answer but quickly noticed her shaky hand movements. "Just over a month? Huh, seems like you've known em for longer." He muses, he's seen and heard how they act, she's like a delicate flower to them. 'I wish I knew them longer than a month.' He wanted to ask more, to pry a bit further into her unknown past but left it when he saw how nervous she looked.

"Alright, so do I go into the room with you?" She hesitates for a moment before shaking her head and climbing out of his arms before opening and shutting the door quickly. He sighed and walked back to his room, writing down all the information he has so far.

• League bases is in old musutafu precinct, building looks abandoned but inside it's a bar and most the league lives there.
•  It is open once every two weeks to earn cash, get information and recruit people.
• Toga seems to be loved by the league and will attack unprovoked or when angry
• Kurogiri is the warper
• He cares for a young girl called Cho
• She has light green hair, blue eyes and looks both tired and underweight.

For only being with the league for a full day, he'd say this is pretty good on his part. But just as he was about to send of the encoded message to the detective all the power from his phone disappears and the lights all go dark. He hears some of the patrons scream or yell in confusion. Then stomping from down the halls; it seemed like whoever it was, was in a rush. "Cho! It's okay, you're fine. Please calm down. I know you're scared, I'm sorry I left you alone. Shhh...." Kurogiri was worried and panicked, anyone could tell from the tone of his voice.

"Can you breathe with me? Good. There.. Much better. Can you release the energy? I know this takes a toll on your body so I think it's best you let go. No? How about if I keep you with me, yes you get to stay against me all night. I promise I won't let you go." Suddenly the power is back, lights are turned on, Jacob's phone has battery again. He quickly adds that Cho is in fact the child who was used to remove all forms of energy during the USJ incident.

A/n: honestly I have so many ideas for this and I'm trying not to make these chapters too long or too short so bare with me a little bit. Little fun fact here! Cho likes yogurt pouches and hates jelly pouches, and she only like a specific brand. This brand has a completely smooth yogurt, she hates yogurt with chunks! I personally think that's cute and could be a funny moment between 'Jacob' and Cho when she just straight up tells him she hates jelly pouches. XD

Anywho, see you next time (cuz I hope you keep reading)

Word count: 1506

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