Chpater 7

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Aizawa's POV:

I wake up in hospital, or a medical ward of some sort, likely somewhere where recovery girl works. Everything is restricting and stuffy, moving hurts and I feel like I've been wrapped up like a mummy. "I'm glad to see you are awake Aizawa, now I know you've just woken up but you kept mumbling something that you needed to report to me whilst you were being transported here. I'm here, you're awake. Do tell." Nezu, the ever curious rat, is sat next to me on a chair with his usual grin. If I hadn't known the rat for so long, I would've missed the hint of worry in his features.

"The league not only have those creatures, which are genetically modified to hold multiple quirks to take down all might and anyone standing in their way, but it seems they are also involving children into whatever this is." Nezu hummed as of asking me to continue, "There was one girl who looked around the student's age, blonde hair, fangs, school girl uniform, space buns. You know the person(?) who teleported or warped the villains away? Well he had what looked like a small child attached to his torso, like you would wrap a baby."

Nezu hummed again; looking at him, his smile is now replaced with a frown and he has his paws placed under his chin to think. He was starting to get even more serious about this case, likely thinking about increasing security measures as well. If there's one thing he hates, it's people being used, abused and injured. "We will have someone go undercover to infiltrate the league and find out the location of their base, their plans and the treatment of the two known children. There could be more. Hopefully we could also get information on these 'nomu' creatures and how to defeat them." I try to nod but groan at the pain. "I'll go undercover."

"You will do no such thing whilst injured." Recovery girl's voice suddenly filters in and sounds less than impressed. "I know I'm not fully healed but if you give me something to knock me out then heal me I'll be good to go, plus they won't expect it. The leader seems to know a bit about me and likely knows I don't sleep, therefore I wouldn't be able to be fully healed. They wouldn't expect me. Especially if I had a makeover." Recovery girl sighed and looked at the rat for an answer. "I'll get in contact with the police and see if anyone with a quirk that can alter a persons appearance is free for the day after tomorrow."

-two days later when Aizawa is healed-

"This is yoichi and he will alter your appearance, it will last two months so if it takes longer than that you must find the time to come back or at least get in contact with him to keep up your appearance. Do you understand?" The detective asks, I grunt and watch as a blue light starts to glow around Yoichi's hands. It felt odd but I had to focus because the detective kept talking during the process. "For this mission you have been given permission to use live fire arms and knifes of your choosing. As well as being given a file of people who need to be off the street. You are likely to come into contact with the league if you have a name for yourself or cause a ruckus. Do try not to get yourself killed. Write all the information you get down into this phone, it will become encrypted once you turn it off. The main three goals are: find out about the nomu's, find out about the two known children and if there's more, and finally who is backing the league to think they're strong enough to take down all might." It was a fair bit of information to process all at once but thankfully I understood what to do.

"Your name will be Jacob West, male, 26 years old, no partner, you moved to Japan from America three years ago because of a job offer, you are quirkless and have faced a lot of discrimination, you want change to come even if you become a villain. Here is your ID and firearm." Yoichi stands back and wipes his forehead from the little bit of sweat that he had, "here's your new look." He handed me a mirror and wow, I looked very different.

My hair was no longer black but white, the scar under my eye was gone but my eye bags remained, I also looked slightly younger and I was slightly more tanned, my eye colour was now more of an orange than red. Not even my husband would be able to recognise me. "I will be back soon." As soon as I finished speaking I shut my mouth, I sounded younger and my voice didn't have that rough hint to it anymore. It felt weird. "See you around 'Jacob'" The detective pats my back and laughs before leaving with Yoichi trailing behind him.

-back with the league-

No one's' POV:

"Look I'm not saying I don't believe you but are you sure she's 15 and not like 8 because she is too damn small!" Spinner says confused, pointing at the sleeping baby. Magne simply laughs and has a sip of her drink whilst Kurogiri continues to clean a glass. "She had no need to lie about her age Spinner, plus I don't think it really matters, look at how cute she is. I would kill for this cute face!" Magne says jokingly. The reptilian huffs and asks for a beer, "I guess that makes sense. I mean I wouldn't kill for her but I don't think I'd want her hurt?" The two of them delve into a quiet conversation whilst Kurogiri pours a beer before going back to cleaning.

As much as he wanted to join in the conversation, it wasn't his place, he could easily be punished for overstepping his bounds. He didn't want that because no one else would be able to care for Cho and he would hate to force her into an older headspace then make her be all alone, so he quietly listened in whilst cleaning.

About an hour later Cho had woken up and she was hungry from the sound of her cries. The misty figure had gotten quite good at figuring out what the different pitches of crying meant over the last few days. A higher, more wail like cry means she used to pull up and wanted to change. A loud, yet soft cry meant she wanted her pacifier. Finally a grumble like cry along with her kneading his chest like a kitten showed him that she wanted to be fed. Whilst there are more, like when she's hurt or scared, these are the main three. Personally he thinks it's good that he has barely heard her pained cries.

"I will be back in a moment." He says before quickly getting one of the pre-made bottles out and warming it up. Once she finished the bottle he gave her a packet of snacks for kids. He returned to the bar and placed her on the little chair he got for her, letting her be as messy as she wants whilst he manages the bar. But the moment she's finished her snack, he will carefully clean her hands and face before asking her softly if she wants to sleep in his room, on the bed or on him, in the baby wrap he now constantly wears. Usually she chooses to sleep on him, when Kurogiri asked why, Cho simply said "Can hear heardbead" it was easy to make out what she said and he felt a little warm inside when she basically just told him that she finds comfort in him.

A/n: do I or do I not bring the drama lol- I mean it at least makes my stories interesting ( ' ▽ ' ). shock horror! Aizawa underground in the LOV?! 😱 what will become of our baby! Y'all are not ready for what I'm about to write. Stay tuned to find out! See you in the next chapter o(^▽^)o

Word count: 1378

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