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Hyunjin let out a whimper. His eyes stung with tears. His dick so hard it was becoming painful, and he was leaking precum. A small puddle was forming on his inner thigh. He wanted no, needed to be touched so badly. He was told to behave and wait patiently. Not being able to stand it anymore he started to hump the air. His arms weren't much help since they were tied above his head to the bed frame. Hyunjin closes his eyes imagining hands pumping his dick and he lets out another few whimpers.

"Ahh is my kitten needy" a deep voice says and Hyunjin immediately opens his eyes wide and moans through the gag in his mouth. A deep chuckle is heard from the door as he squirms and strains his head to see the owner of the voice. Footsteps echo through the room as he starts whimpering again. Hyunjin gasps and starts moaning, feeling a warm touch of a finger start gliding up his body.

"You've been so good, baby boy, waiting for me here"

Hyunjin moans again just wanting to be touched and be able to release. The need burning in his stomach makes him want to lose his mind.

Felix finally comes into view. One hand loosening up his tie while the other slowly gliding towards Hyunjin's nipple. Pinching it softly. Hyunjin moans out and stares into his eyes. Begging to be ruined by him.

"My kitten looks so beautiful right now. Do you want me to ruin you baby boy?" Felix says as he pinches the other nipple slightly harder than the other.

Hyunjin moans louder, eyes rolling back, his back arching off the bed, his dick leaking more precum. His moans immediately turn into whimpers when he no longer feels any hands on his body. Tears slowly stream down his face and he turns to look at Felix.

Felix smiles back at him admiring the wrecked look on Hyunjin's face. Spit started to run down the corner of his mouth, his cheeks flushed and his eyes were begging to be touched. Hyunjin never looked more beautiful. He loves turning Hyunjin to putty, it made his dick so hard.

Felix starts to unbutton his shirt and he feels Hyunjin's eyes roam all over his toned body. He finally takes off his pants just leaving his boxers on, he sees Hyunjin's eyes slightly widen and a moan escapes his lips.

Felix smiles and moves his hand over Hyunjin's body. Hyunjin being needy tried to lean into his touch. Felix moved his hand away teasing the older more. He immediately starts whimpering louder. Spit and tears start running down his face.

"Damn baby boy. You're making me so fucking hard. Are you ready for me?" Felix leans in and whispers into Hyunjin's ear.

Hyunjin immediately moans trying to speak with the gag in his mouth. His dick jumps and continues to leak out precum, its head almost purple in color from how aroused he was.

With a chuckle Felix climbs onto the bed in between Hyunjin's legs. He picks up one of Hyunjin's legs and starts kissing and biting up it. The older moans loving the feeling of finally being touched. Hyunjin moans even louder when he starts sucking on the older's thighs, marking them up.

Hyunjin could feel an orgasm growing in the pit of his stomach. He starts to whine feeling Felix's breath on his leaking member and tries to hump into Felix's face. Felix leans back growling at him.

Felix slaps Hyunjin hard on his thigh, making him immediately arch his back and almost cum from the sensation. Tears are streaming down his face at a rapid speed, loud whimpers and rapid breathing is the only sound that could be heard. His thigh stings from the impact, but he loves it.

"Baby boy you know better than to try and provoke me. Tsk, you were doing so well too." Felix says leaning over Hyunjin's body to stare into his eyes.

Hyunjin squeezes his eyes shut, a feeling of dread washing over him.

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