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Hyunjin feels embarrassed to be naked infront of Felix all of a sudden. He doesn't know why, they've seen each other naked countless of times. He shivers from the slight cold and waits for Felix to get the water warm.

"It's good now," Felix says, pulling Hyunjin in with him.

He stands under the water letting the warmth of it engulf him. He turns around to face Felix watching the water run down his toned body. His eyes go down Felix's body and stop at his dick, which is standing from being hard. He bits his lips admiring Felix's dick and his cheeks tint red.

"Do you like what you see pup," Felix says his deep voice echoing in the glass shower.

Hyunjin nods his head and reaches towards it to jerk Felix off. "Don't start something you can't finish," Felix warned him.

Hyunjin knew what that meant, it would be another long night, but he wanted to satisfy Felix. His eyes flicker up to meet Felix's. Lust stared back at him, sending a shiver down his spine. He was determined to satisfy Felix and reached his hand out again and grabbed Felix's cock.

"Fuck baby boy," Felix groaned, as Hyunjin started slowly pumping him up and down.

Precum oozed from his hole and Hyunjin swiped his thumb across it and spread it all over Felix's head. Felix moaned out, getting lost in the feeling. Felix laced his hand into Hyunjin's hair and pulled him down towards him pressing their lips together. Hyunjin starts pumping Felix faster and Felix moans out into their kiss.

Felix suddenly pulls back, grabbing Hyunjin's wrist to stop his movement. He pushes Hyunjin back so he is against the wall.

"It's my turn pup," Felix says, making Hyunjin whimper from the dominance in his voice.

He lets go of Hyunjin's wrist and turns him around. Hyunjin pushes his ass out, wanting nothing more than to be ruined. Felix licks his finger to use as lube and places a finger at Hyunjin's hole, teasing around the rim. Hyunjin whines out, pushing his ass out more begging for Felix to insert him.

Felix smirks at Hyunjin's eagerness. He slowly inserts his finger feeling Hyunjin's hole clench around it. Just as slowly as he inserted it he pulled it out. Going at a slowly painful pace.

"Aah..daddy..d-dont tease," Hyunjin whines, wanting nothing more than for Felix to quicken his pace and make him cum.

Felix inserts another finger. He puts his free hand on Hyunjin's middle back pushing him down more, making him stick his ass even more. Felix quickly inserts another finger, still going at a slowly painful pace. Hyunjin pushed back onto Felix's fingers, wanting to pick up the pace, pleasure still coursing through his body.

"Impatient, are we pup?" Felix chuckled.

SMACK. "Ohh..FUCK." Hyunjin moaned. His body stopped all movements as he tensed up from the sensation.

SMACK. Felix slapped Hyunjin's ass again, his fingers picking up their pace. Hyunjin was close to cumming when he all of sudden felt empty. He whimpered and shook his ass, wanting to be filled again. His hole clenched around the air, waiting for Felix to fill it with his dick.

Felix watched his hole clench around nothing, a smirk formed on his face seeing how needy Hyunjin was being. Felix rubbed his cock on Hyunjin's hole teasing the older.

"Daddy, pleas..AHH" Hyunjin didn't get to finish his begging when Felix quickly thrusted into the older.

Felix bottomed out and groaned. Hyunjin was clenching around him. He will never get used to the sensation, Hyunjin's warm walls around his cock. Felix pulls out and thrust back in. His deep and slow thirst hitting Hyunjin's sensitive bundle of nerves, sparking pleasure in Hyunjin. Hyunjin pushes back to meet Felix's thrust, wanting him to go faster.

"Ahh...Daddy...f-faster." Hyunjin begged out.

Felix gripped Hyunjin's hips and pulled him hard back on his dick hard. He kept his slow hard thrust, he was gripping Hyunjin's so hard he was sure there would be a bruise in the morning. He did a few more slow thrust before pulling out. Felix turned Hyunjin around pushing his back onto the shower wall. Grabbing his chin, Felix pressed their lips together. Sucking on Hyunjin's tongue and biting his lip. The older desperately tried to keep up but could nothing but moan into the kiss letting Felix take the lead.

Felix pulled back and lifted Hyunjin's right leg up, forcing him to balance on the other. He lined his dick up and pushed in. Hyunjin's eyes rolled back from the pleasure and his moans echoed around them. Felix leans in and kisses Hyunjin again, their tongues intertwining.

"God pup you feel so good around me, " Felix growls. He leans in and bites onto Hyunjin's shoulder.

"Ahh..da-daddy...more please." Hyunjin begs.

Hyunjin leans his head back and gives Felix access to his neck. Felix kisses it and starts sucking. Felix quickened his pace, pounding into Hyunjin. With each stroke Felix was hitting Hyunjin's spot dead on and the pleasure was becoming overwhelming for Hyunjin.

"C-can I cum ple-please."Hyunjin stuttered out begging Felix.

Felix quickened his pace and reached his hand up to choke the older. He lightly pressed, "Cum for me pup," Felix groaned out, watching the older fall apart in front of him. Hyunjin's eyes rolled out the back of his head, moans tumbling from his lips.

His whole body tensed and his mouth gaped open, but no sound came out as he was cumming hard. Felix realized the older was having a dry orgasm, and continued his quick thrust and choked the older until he came down from his high. Hyunjin finally relaxed back, quick breaths and whimpers were coming from him as he was slipping into sub space.

Felix slowed down his pace and pulled his hand off Hyunjin's neck and let go of his leg. "You did so good pup," Felix whispered to Hyunjin. He cupped the older's right cheek and Hyunjin leaned into it.

Felix pulled all the way out and groaned from the sensation. He was still hard, as was Hyunjin, but he wanted to move them to the bedroom.

"Let's finish washing pup and finish this in bed if you want?" Felix softly asked.

Hyunjin had barely registering what Felix was saying. He stayed leaned against the wall while Felix washed them both off. Making sure they were clean before leaving the bathroom.

Lol I cannot say the next chapter won't also contain smut 🙈🙈

1088 words

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