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Hyunjin opens his eyes not realizing he had fallen asleep during the movie. Felix was tracing shapes onto his cheek, while staring at the tv. He had his head on Felix's lap when he had fallen asleep. He was so comfortable with the younger, he loved being so close to Felix, his scent was comforting. No, it wasn't just his scent, Felix's whole being brought him great comfort.

He must've been out for awhile, because it was a completely different movie now. He started to move and turn so he could face Felix. Felix realized he was awake and stopped his movements and looked down smiling at him.

"Hey, sleepy head," Felix says smiling, his eyes crinkling at the corner.

"What time is it?" Hyunjin asked into Felix's stomach, wrapping his free arm around Felix's waist.

Felix blushed with how close and cuddly Hyunjin was being. He knew the older wasn't one for physical touch, so he was surprised by Hyunjin's action. "You've been out for about an hour, it's 6pm now. Do you want to order some food or cook?" He asked, rubbing Hyunjin's arm.

Hyunjin rubs his face into Felix's stomach, squeezing him tight. He loves being so close to the younger. He's missed this so much. They haven't been this intimate since before they disbanded.

"Can we order?" Hyunjin says looking up at Felix.

Felix is staring down at him, He's so beautiful, he thought. He nods his head and says, "yes lets order we can watch another movie until it arrives."

Hyunjin nods his head and Felix grabs his phone, ordering from a nearby favorite spot of theirs. Felix was placing the order when Hyunjin had a mischievous thought. He wanted to get the younger flustered and tease him while he was on the phone. He woke up horny and wanted to do something about it. He suddenly sat up and got on his knees in front of Felix. Felix was eyeing him, suspicious of what he was doing. He gave him a sly smile while grabbing at his boxers, tugging at them until Felix lifted up so he could take them off.

Lust filled Felix and he wanted nothing more than to be off the phone and giving his full attention to Hyunjin. Hyunjin had wrapped his hand around his semi hard dick. He suppressed a moan when Hyunjin started pumping him. Hyunjin stares up at him as he moves slightly faster. He stares back down at the older, his eyes full of lust. Hyunjin leans forwards and licks around the head of Felix's dick. Felix grabs at Hyunjin's hair, trying not to groan out loud. He pushes Hyunjin's head down, wanting the older to take him more, and Hyunjin lets him. He finally ends his call and throws his phone to the side.

"Fuck baby boy," Felix groans out.

Hyunjin moans out loving the effect he has on Felix. Felix pulls Hyunjin off his dick and pulls his head back hard making Hyunjin moan from the pain.

"Baby boy, what do you think you're doing trying to suck me off while I am on the phone? Does someone need a punishment for being a bad boy? Hmm" Felix asks.

Hyunjin is so hard, rubbing his thighs together to try and get friction. He is so needy and just wants to cum. He whines out not sure if he could handle punishment, but knows he will love it regardless, "I want you daddy"

Felix smirks, "What do you want me to do?"

"Whatever daddy wants." Hyunjin says, his eyes begging to be fucked.

Felix pushes Hyunjin's head back down, making him take all of his dick back in his mouth. He relaxes his throat letting Felix set the pace. He moans feeling the grip on his hair tighten and Felix's moans fill his ears.

"Fuck pup," Felix says as he pushes Hyunjin's mouth all the way down making him deepthroat him.

Felix holds Hyunjin's head while the thrust up fucking into Hyunjin's mouth. His thrusts are quick and erratic with a groan he cums down Hyunjin's throat. Hyunjin pushes off his dick swallowing his cum and gasping for breath.

"Come here pup." Felix says pulling Hyunjin up to straddle him.

Hyunjin sits down on top of Felix. Precum leaking out of his hard dick and wetting his boxers. Felix's one hand circles his dick with his finger making him throw his head back and moan. Felix took the opportunity to attach his lips to the older's nipple, swirling his tongue around the small bud. Felix pulls his dick through his boxer and pumps him at a steady speed. He thrusting into his hand, moaning at the sensation. Felix is now staring at him, watching the pleasure play across his face.

"Pup...," Felix says and Hyunjin opens his eyes to stare into Felix's.

Neither one has said a thing. Felix stops his movements, lost in Hyunjin's eyes. It's like time stood still for a second. His eyes flicker down to Hyunjin's lips and back up to his eyes. The two lean towards each other getting closer and closer. Their lips are barely touching when all of a sudden the doorbell rings. The two jump apart and Hyunjin gets up so Felix can go to the door.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, but ohhh they almost kissed 🙈🙈

Whatcha think's going to happen in the next chapter? Will they kiss? Will they confess their feelings?

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