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"You did so good, baby boy," Felix praised Hyunjin.

Hyunjin was coming down from his orgasm and turned around so he could face Felix. He had his legs on either side of the younger, straddling him.

"I want to make you cum," Hyunjin said determinedly.

"Go ahead then pup," Felix said with a smirk on his face.

Hyunjin bit his lower lip and leaned forward and reached back to grab Felix's cock. He teased himself with the head before lining it up with his hole. He leaned back letting it sink in him. Thankfully it went in easily from all the prep Felix did.

Both men moaned from the intense pleasure. Hyunjin slowly bottomed out and leaned back some more so he could hold his weight on Felix's thighs. He put his feet flat on the bed and used them to push himself up and down Felix's cock.

Felix licked his lips loving the view, Hyunjin was spread open in front of him, his cock swinging up and down while the older was riding his cock. Hyunjin had his eyes closed and mouth gaped open, moans flowing from it.

"Fuck baby, you look so sexy right now," Felix praised him.

"Aaah, fuck. You-you feel so good daddy," Hyunjin moaned, blushing a bit. He wasn't sure what to call Felix. They never had sex outside of their dom/sub play. This felt more intimate than that, but it also felt natural for him to call Felix that. The younger also didn't seem to mind. He was slowing down a bit, his thighs were burning, but he wanted to make Felix cum.

"Yes, keep going. You feel so good around me baby. You're squeezing me so tight," Felix encouraged feeling the slight stutter in Hyunjin's pace.

"Aah...daddy," Hyunjin kept moaning. He fucked himself a few more times on Felix's dick when he legs didn't want to keep going. His thighs burned and he was definitely going to be sore tomorrow.

"I  can't move anymore," he said apologetically, looking at Felix. He bottomed out and sat on Felix's dick catching his breath.

"It's okay, baby you did so good," Felix said. "I'll make us both feel good too." Felix pumped up into Hyunjin making him cry out. "Can you hover so I can fuck you?" Felix asked.

Hyunjin nodded and lifted his ass to give Felix room to fuck up into him. Felix pumped up him hitting his prostate over and over. He was a moaning mess, his legs and arms shaking from the pleasure. He was barely able to hold himself up.

"Da-daddy more, I'm so close," Hyunjin begged. Felix gripped onto Hyunjin's ankle so he could fuck up into the older and increasing his pace.

"Fu-fuck," Hyunjin moaned out. His eyes clenched shut and he was so close to cumming. "Fuck daddy, I'm...I'm going to cum."

Hyunjin felt Felix kept his pace, thrusting hard and fast into him. He was not being able to hold himself up any more, bottomed out and came all over his and Felix's stomach. He clenched around Felix and the younger came inside him with a groan. They both took a second to catch their breath. He leaned forward and collapsed on the younger. Small shivers still ran through his body from his orgasm. Felix wrapped his arms around the older pulling him in closer to him. He felt Felix drawing circles on his back while they both caught their breath.

"That was really great," Hyunjin said, lifting his head off of Felix's chest.

"It really was, though we've never fallen short in the sex department," Felix said teasingly and Hyunjin blushed. "You're so cute when you blush baby." He leaned forward and gave Hyunjin a kiss on the nose.

"Don't tease me," Hyunjin whined, his cheeks turning another shade darker.

Felix chuckled, "I can tease you all I want now that you're mine."

That's right I am his, and he is mine, Hyunjin thought.

"Yes I am yours, forever. I love you Felix." Hyunjin said, leaning forward and kissing Felix.

Felix moved his hands to cup Hyunjin's cheek and pulled the older into their kiss more. He deepened their kiss, moving his tongue against the older's. He made Hyunjin moan. His cock growing hard again inside the older, hearing all the sweet sounds coming from him.

Felix pulled back, pulling Hyunjin's bottom lip with his teeth. Shivers ran down Hyunjin's spine. He pulled back to stare at Hyunjin's flushed face, his lips bruised and red from their kissing. "You are mine forever."

"As much as I want to go another round, I think we should let everyone else know we are all right," Hyunjin said, blushing.

"Is that right, baby?" Felix asked, smirking. "Well I think that you thought maybe I had forgotten your little act you did yesterday and that I would forget that you have a punishment."

Hyunjin whined, he did think that Felix had hopefully forgotten considering everything that had happened yesterday and today. He was dreading it, but also excited. His punishments were brutal to say the least, but he also loved them.

"So you have two options, baby boy. One you can take your punishment now or you can wait til we get back to my place and you can take a punishment there." Felix said, knowing either option would be intense for the older

Hyunjin thought it over, well we are with the members here so it can't be that bad right? And if I pick the other option I know it will be more intense. "Okay, I pick option one," Hyunjin concluded.

Felix smirked knowing that Hyunjin would pick that option. Hyunjin saw Felix's facial expression and started to get nervous. He looks way too excited about this, Hyunjin thought.

"Excellent choice pup. Let's get you all set up," Felix said, slowly pulling out of the older. Hyunjin moaned at the sensation, feeling cum drip out of him and onto Felix's thighs.

"Up you go," Felix said, grinning.

Oh gosh, I am really regretting this decision, Hyunjin thought.


someone pray for Hyunjin's ass XD

next chapter is going to be interesting in many ways :D I hope you're all excited!

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