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Hyunjin and Felix finally pulled up to the rental house and saw Chan standing outside pacing back and forth. They parked their car and started gathering their things to head inside.

"Hey!" Chan exclaimed from behind them. They both turned around and grinned. Chan was walking towards them, "What took you so long? You're the last ones here."

Hyunjin quickly glanced at Felix, cheeks turning pink and didn't say anything. Chan noticed and smirked. Felix calmly said, "We just got held up packing."

"Right...packing," Chan teased the two. It was Felix's turn to blush.

"Shut up, Chris!" Felix said, throwing him a dirty look. Chan laughed and just shrugged his shoulders. Meanwhile, Hyunjin wanted to die, he was so embarrassed.

"Okay, let's go," Hyunjin tried to hurry them inside so he could get away from the situation.

Both Felix and Chan chuckled but didn't argue and followed Hyunjin into the house.

"You made it!" Jisung screamed, as soon as they walked through the door. He ran towards them and collided into them. He clinged onto Hyunjin and grinned over at Felix.

"Hey Hannie," Felix said, grinning back at him.

Felix missed seeing them everyday. It took a lot of time getting used to not having to go to rehearsal or practice. Getting into the normalcy of everyday life took some time. He was so grateful that he had Hyunjin with him to help him through the transition. Hyunjin was his only constant through the days and he loved that. He wanted to make it official, he wanted to make them official. He wanted Hyunjin to be his.

"Hey! So glad you guys made it." Changbin said, coming out from the kitchen.

"Hey, Binnie hyung," Hyunjin said, trying to get away from the clingy Jisung.

"Now that you're here we can divide the rooms," Chan said, navigating them towards the living room.

Felix nodded and glanced over at Hyunjin, who was already glancing at him. He hoped they could get a room together, it would help them if they did.

They all walked towards the living room, where they were greeted by the other members. Hugs and hellos were given out as the newcomers got comfortable on the couch. Felix sat across from Hyunjin in the armchair while Hyunjin sat down next to Seungmin. The younger was chatting away with Hyunjin catching up with him since they haven't seen each other all week. Felix watched them from across the living room. He was intensely staring at them, which didn't go unnoticed by their leader.

"Okay, since everyone is here. Let's figure out the bedroom situation and then we can figure out our plans for the rest of the day," Chan said, clapping his hands. Everyone turned towards Chan and stopped talking and listened to the oldest.

"Jisung and Lee Know, you'll obviously be in a single together. Hyunjin you can..." Chan started listing room assignments

"I will be with Hyunjin," Seungmin said, interrupting Chan. Chan glanced over at Felix after Seungmin said that. Felix was annoyed, he was staring holes into Seungmin, but the younger didn't notice.

"We will be in a double," Hyunjin said, hoping to make the situation better. He also glanced at Felix and could tell the younger was super annoyed. He didn't notice that Seungmin started pouting, hearing that they wouldn't be in a single.

"If it's okay, I would like to have a single," Felix said, glancing over at Chan, who nodded his head. Felix turned back to look at the two on the couch and made eye contact with Hyunjin. Hyunjin gave him a small smile, and mouthed, "I'm sorry." Felix shook his head no and mouthed, "It's okay."

"Alright then that leaves me, Changbin, and I.N." Chan announced, he turned towards Changbin and I.N

"I will room with you Hyung, if you're okay with that," Changbin said, slightly blushing.

Chan smiled over at Changbin, "Of course, Binnie. That's fine. Innie that means you get your own room as well."

Everyone grabbed their stuff and headed to their rooms. Felix grabbed the single bedroom away from everyone else, hoping that if he and Hyunjin did get a chance to be alone then at least they wouldn't get found out. He dropped his stuff off and wandered to the other bedrooms to see where everyone else ended up. He ended up in Chan and Changbin's room. He was hoping to talk to the oldest alone, but decided to just sit and hang out with them.

"You okay?" Chan asked Felix.

Felix nodded, "I have some things to update you, but we can talk later."

Chan nodded and glanced over at Changbin, who was pretending not to listen and unpacking. "We can talk later today if that's okay with you?" Chan looked back at Felix, who nodded in agreement.

Felix decided to let them unpack and walked out to the living room to wait for everyone. He must have fallen asleep because he woke up from someone's touch. He opened his eyes and saw Hyunjin standing in front of him.

Hyunjin had walked around looking for Felix and finally found him on the armchair in the living room sleeping. He looked so peaceful sleeping, he didn't want to wake the younger, but couldn't resist taking the opportunity to admire him. He had subconsciously reached out and caressed the younger's cheek.

Hyunjin smiled down at him, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

Before Felix could answer everyone else started coming into the leaving room. Hyunjin moved to the side of the arm chair to sit on the arm rest.

"Okay, we have a few hours before dinner. So what do we want to do?" Chan asked the group once everyone was in the living room.

"It's a nice day, should we hit the pool?" Han suggested. Everyone murmured their agreement.

Chan clapped, "Alright let's do it. We can have dinner and maybe a bonfire?" Everyone nodded yes. "Perfect, we can all meet back out at the pool, once everyone is ready." With that everyone went to their own room to get changed.

Hyunjin grabbed his bathing suit and started to walk out of the room, "Where are you going?" Seungmin asked him, stopping him in his tracks.

Hyunjin turned to look at Seungmin and could feel his face flush. "I am just going to the bathroom. I will meet you out there," Hyunjin lied. He was really going to Felix's room, but didn't want anyone to know that.

Seungmin was suspicious of Hyunjin. The older seemed nervous, but he didn't question it. "Yeah, I will see you out there."

Hyunjin nodded and Seungmin watched him quickly left their room. He quietly followed the older out of the room watching him. He walked right past the bathroom door to the end of the hall. He watched Hyunjin quietly knock on the door and go inside once it opened. Curiosity got the better of him and he had to go find out who's room that was. Seungmin quietly walked down the hall and got to the door. What he saw shocked him, he quietly gasped and ran away.

Ooooooo!!! What do you think will happen now? Do you think Seungmin will confront them?

1184 words

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