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Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes feeling cold. He realized he was alone in bed. Where is Felix? We made up, right? Did he leave me? His mind was spinning. He bolted up right. He was about to panic when Felix walked through the door.

Felix rushed over to Hyunjin seeing the older looking freaking out and pulled him into a hug. "What's wrong baby?"

Hyunjin buried his head into Felix's shoulder and hugged him tightly. He took a deep breath, breathing in Felix's scent. It instantly calmed him down, "I just panicked for a second. I thought you had left."

Felix's heart broke a little hearing Hyunjin's confession. "I will never leave you, okay? I am forever yours," Felix reassured Hyunjin, pulling the older in a little tighter. They sat like that for a few more seconds until Hyunjin was ready to let go. "I went downstairs to check on the other members since we have been sleeping for a while. They are wanting to eat out tonight. If you are ready, we can get dressed and go downstairs, Chan hyung and Changbin hyung are waiting for us," Felix said, while softly rubbing Hyunjin's arm.

Hyunjin nodded, "Yeah, I am pretty hungry. I don't think either one of us has eaten anything all day." Right on cue Hyunjin's stomach started growling, making the older blush.

He's so cute, Felix thought. "Well then let's get dressed and head down," Felix said, kissing Hyunjin on his reddened cheek, smiling at the older. Felix got up first, pulling the older up with him.

As they were getting ready Felix asked Hyunjin, "So, what are we telling the others? I'm sure they will have questions considering all the events that have happened today. Do you want to tell them?"

Hyunjin stayed quiet, not really sure how to answer Felix. He was feeling anxious about telling the others. What if they don't accept us? How much do we even tell them? All these thoughts swirled in his brain. He was biting his lips, a nervous habit he had.

Felix finished buttoning his pants and walked over to the older. He grabbed Hyunjin's hand pulling him out of his thoughts. Hyunjin looked down at Felix.

"Hey, it will be okay. Regardless of what we tell them, we always have each other. Plus, Chan hyung fully supports us, I know the others will too," Felix said, squeezing Hyunjin's hand.

"You are right, what matters is we have each other." Hyunjin nodded, smiling. Still feeling anxious though he started biting his lower lip again.

Felix leaned in and kissed Hyunjin, distracting him from his anxious thoughts. The younger, deepening the kiss, pulled Hyunjin closer with his free hand in his hair. Before pulling away he nibbled on the older's bottom lip, causing Hyunjin to moan.

Felix pulled away with a smirk on his face, "I should be the only one biting those lips, baby boy." Hyunjin blushed, getting turned on by the younger. "Let's go before Chan hyung comes looking for us. We can finish what we started later, okay?"

Hyunjin leaned down for one more quick kiss, "Okay, let's go."

They both headed towards the door and down the stairs. "Oh I have to tell you what I saw between Chan hyung and Changbin hyung earlier! You won't believe it." Felix said, smirking, wiggling his eyebrows in excitement. Hyunjin laughed at the younger's actions, and couldn't wait to hear all about it.


OMG , i know, i know. I am so late on this chapter update, and it's the shortest chapter i have written so far in this story im pretty sure. I am sorry D:

It's been a bit hectic on my end and it's gotten be a bit behind! BUT i promise a longer chapter next chapter!

so thoughts? OF COURSE we think the members are going to accept them right? Even seungmin will get over his crush. everything will be fine....right?

567 words

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