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Felix ran up the stairs, his mind racing. I've been so stupid. I was falling for him all these years and he's just been using me. Tears were rapidly flowing down and he just needed to get to his room where he could really release his emotions. He choked out a sob as soon as he reached his door. He covered his mouth with one hand while closing it with the other. He looked up when he heard noise on the stairs and made eye contact with Hyunjin, who looked frantic. He shut the door before Hyunjin could reach it.

Hyunjin was rapidly breathing trying to catch his breath. He started knocking really loud, until he remembered where they were and he needed to be quiet. He started knocking more quietly, whisper-yelling Felix's name.

From the other side of the door Felix ran to the bathroom, where he threw up. He sat back leaning against the tub, his head hung, tears were dripping into his lap. He moved his knees to his chest and hugged them, he rocked back and forth as he tried to calm himself down.

"Felix, please," he heard Hyunjin beg from outside. Felix squeezed his eyes shut and went to lay down on the floor. His head was pounding and he wanted to just disappear. He had cried himself to sleep and never left the bathroom floor until the morning.

Hyunjin meanwhile on the other side of the door decided to give up for now. He sat down against the opposite wall. How the hell did this happen? Hyunjin thought, tears now falling down since he had a chance to catch his breath. He wanted to scream, he wanted to slap Seungmin, he had ruined everything. He took a deep shaky breath and tried to calm down. He was getting a headache, and squeezed his eyes shut. He must've fallen asleep because before he knew it he panicked and woke up. What time is it? He thought. He looked around a little distorted when the memories from the night before came flooding back.

Hyunjin's thoughts were interrupted when he heard the door in front of him open. He looked up and made eye contact with Felix, who looked exhausted.

Felix's heart dropped seeing Hyunjin on the ground. Did he sleep out here all night? But why? Is he upset he was caught? His minded swirled with so many unanswered questions. He paused, not sure what to do. His heart wanted him to talk to the older, but his brain told him to run. He moved to walk out of his room.

"Wait, Felix please," Hyunjin begged, reaching out to grasp his hand and getting up onto his knees.

Felix hesitated, "I need some time," he said out barely a whisper.

"But you don't understand,"Hyunjin said, getting up and once again reaching out towards the younger. He just wanted to grab Felix and hold him, begging him to understand.

Without turning around, "Hyunjin leave me alone," Felix said harshly. He knew if he turned around he would give in to the older and he needed time.

Hyunjin dropped his arm and looked down at the ground. Tears were forming in his eyes as Felix walked away. He wiped away his tears and took a few deep breaths. I need to fix things with Felix and fast, he thought. He gathered himself and followed Felix down the stairs. Everyone was already down there and turned to look at him when he emerged in the kitchen. The air was tense, there was definitely something wrong. No one said anything, no one really knew what to say.

"I am going for a walk," Felix announced. He quickly got up and walked out towards the beach.

Chan decided to follow, he needed to check in on the younger. He turned towards Seungmin who was sitting next to him and said, "You know what to do." He squeezed his shoulder before hurriedly following Felix.

"Hey guys why don't we go to the living room," Lee Know suggested, picking up on the fact that something had happened last night.

Everyone got up and started moving towards the living room except Seungmin. "Hyunjin hyung, can we talk?" Seungmin asked, biting his lips.

Hyunjin clenched his teeth but stayed behind. He needed Seungmin to tell Felix that the kiss was a mistake and that they were nothing.

They sat in silence, Seungmin nervously playing with his hoodie string. "I'm really sorry Hyunjin hyung," Seungmin started.

Seungmin's eyes started to water, he didn't want to lose Hyunjin as a friend and he was really scared the older hated him. Hyunjin didn't say anything and just stared at him.

Hyunjin clenched and unclenched his hands under the table. He cared a lot for the younger, but he really put him in an impossible situation with Felix. Felix meant the world to him and he didn't want anything jeopardizing that.

"I acted out and was selfish. I shouldn't have kissed you and I hope you can forgive me," Seungmin said, finally looking up at Hyunjin as tears flowed down his face.

Hyunjin's heart ached, he felt some of his anger disappear. His face softened and he reached out to grab Seugnmin's hand and squeezed it. "I am still angry at you, but I appreciate your apology." Hyunjin started. Seungmin nodded his head and wiped his tears away. "I think that we should limit our interaction right now, but that doesn't mean we still aren't friends. If Felix talks to me again we will need time." Hyunjin said.

"I understand, I will do whatever you want me to do to help fix this. I didn't mean to cause either of you pain. I just love you and want to be loved too, but I want you to be happy too," Seungmin said.

Hyunjin's heart broke a little more, of course he loved the younger, but as a little brother not anything more. He started getting teary eyed, he felt bad for the younger, "You will find someone that loves you. But also I need you to talk to Felix and explain what happened please, I can't lose him."

Seungmin nodded, "Yes I will do that, just please, can we still be friends."

"Of course, we are family. I will always be in your life, but let's just worry about clearing things up with Felix first."

They both got up and headed outside to look for Chan and Felix.


Do you think Felix and Hyunjin will make up? I mean they have to right?

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