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Hyunjin had finally finished at his art gallery. It was later than he expected but he rushed over to Felix's and was now standing outside his door. He took a few deep breaths, he was feeling nervous but also eager. He craved Felix and was feeling needy. He pulled out the key Felix gave him when he first got the apartment, telling the older he could use it anytime. He opens the door and hears the shower going. He swallows, feeling his dick twitch. After all these years, all it took for him to get hard was to have Felix look at him. He loved having those brown eyes stare at him. Watching his every move so closely. His thoughts were interrupted when the bathroom door swung open. He stopped in his tracks, mouth open just staring at Felix. He licks his lips trying to suppress his growing arousal. The younger had come out, water dripping from his hair down his chiseled chest. His towel barely hanging on around his hips.

"Oh, hey I didn't realize you were here already," Felix said walking towards him.

Hyunjin swallows hard, mouth feeling dry, he licks his lips again. "Yeah, I just got here," he says out barely above a whisper.

Felix smirks, loving the reaction he's already getting from Hyunjin. He's been thinking about what happened at the cafe all day and was still feeling very jealousy. "Hmm, you like what you see pup?" He asked standing in front of Hyunjin.

Hyunjin blushes, he nods his head up and down not trusting his voice. Felix reaches out and pressed his hand against him, he had already gotten hard. He moans, almost feeling embarrassed for how quickly Felix has affected him but his arousal keeps him from feeling so. He just wanted Felix. No, he needed him.

"Let's go to the bedroom. Do you need to shower?" Felix asks, grabbing his hand pulling him towards the bedroom.

"No, I showered before I left the gallery," Hyunjin says, following the younger into the bedroom, feeling his nerves increase more with every step. They reach the bedroom and Felix turns to face him, pulling the older towards him. He leans into Felix, wanting to touch even more of him.

"What's your safe word baby boy?" Felix whispers leaning in to kiss his neck, sending shivers down Hyunjin's spine.

"Vanilla or two taps if I can't speak." Hyunjin whispers back, letting out a moan when he feels Felix's lips on his neck.

"Good pup, if you need it tonight, don't forget to use it." Felix says against the older's neck, licking and sucking on it.

Hyunjin moaned registering what Felix said. His mind was racing and his arousal surged. He felt Felix start lifting his shirt and he raised his arms to help him take it off. As soon as it was off Felix attached his lips to one his nipples. Swirling his tongue around the bud, nipping at it. He feels Felix roll it between his teeth. Felix's hand pinching the other one. He shivers and moans out "Ahh, Fe-Felix."

Felix growls deep in his chest, yanking Hyunjin's head back by his ponytail, "That's not my name baby boy."

Hyunjin whimpers, feeling himself fall back onto the bed, Felix had let go of his hair and pushed him onto the bed. His hand touches something on the bed and before he can see what it is. Felix pulled him by his chin to look at him.

"Say my name, pup," Felix says, staring into Hyunjin's eyes.

Hyunjin can see the lust staring back at him, but there's something else there that he recognized from earlier that day.

"Da-daddy," Hyunjin stuttered out, he reached out grabbing the front of Felix's towel. He looked up at him asking for permission, his hand slightly shaking from anticipation.

"Good boy. You want me in your mouth again?" Felix asks, his voice deep with arousal. Hyunjin nods, biting his lip. "Go ahead, pup."

Hyunjin's cheeks burn from the nickname, but he pulls at Felix's towel making it drop to the floor. Felix's dick springs out and his mouth starts to water. He licks his lips and leans forward wanting it desperately in his mouth. His own dick straining to come out of his pants. He licks around the head and Felix groans. He goes deeper, feeling it hit the back of his throat. He moans loving the feeling of having Felix in his mouth.

"Baby boy, you take me so well," Felix groaned, reaching his hand up to grip onto Hyunjin's ponytail.

Felix starts pushing Hyunjin down making him deep throat him. He tries to relax his throat, tears brimming his eyes. He moans, as Felix sets the pace pulling and pushing his head.

Felix grunts, he loves the way Hyunjin feels around him. He pulls out completely pull Hyunjin's head all the way back so he as to look up at him. The older already looked so wrecked, spit drooling out of the corner of his mouth. He smirks, knowing what's coming for him and his dick jumps from excitement.

"More daddy," Hyunjin whines out, reaching back up to put Felix's dick back in his mouth.

Felix grabs his wrist to stop him, "Patience baby boy. Lay down for me." Hyunjin whimpers, but doesn't argue back.

Felix lets go of his wrist and he lays down. He turns to see toys and handcuffs beside him. He whimpers knowing tonight was going to be intense again, arousal stirs at the pit of his stomach. Felix grabs at his pants unbuttoning the button and pulling them down. He lifts his butt and takes some steady breaths.

Felix hoovers over Hyunjin looking down at him, excitement stirring, he couldn't wait to wreck Hyunjin. Jealousy was clouding his judgment and he wanted to take it out on the older.

"Turn around pup, so your head is hanging off the bed. I'm going to put the cuffs on you as well." Felix says leaning back so the older can get in his position.

Hyunjin moves into position and once he does Felix steps forward hitting him in the cheek with his dick. He moans, wanting to reach up and put it back in his mouth. He feels Felix click the handcuffs onto his wrist and one each onto his ankle and then connects the two. He isn't able to move his arms or legs, having to keep his arms straight and knees bent.

"You looks so beautiful pup." Felix says admiring Hyunjin.

Felix grabs a bullet vibrator and brings it over to Hyunjin dick, which had started leaking precum. A wet spot forming at the front of Hyunjin's boxers. He flicks it on and caresses it on the older's dick. He watches as Hyunjin immediately arches his back and moans. Sharp, shallow breaths follow, as he continues to move the vibrator up and down Hyunjin's cock. He notices the wet patch on Hyunjin's boxers grow as he becomes more aroused.He reaches over beside Hyunjin and grabs the nipple clamps, without warning he clamps one onto Hyunjin's nipple.

"Ahh, daddy please." Hyunjin moans out, not even sure what he is begging for.

Felix smirks and without warning clamping on the other one. A shiver runs down Hyunjin's spine and he squirms, his dick so hard it's becoming painful and he wants it to be free from his boxers. As if Felix was reading his mind, he closes the older's legs to pull down his boxers and bunch them down at the bottom of his ankles.

Hyunjin, relieved that his dick is no longer constrained. The relief doesn't last long though when he feels the vibration back on his dick making it jump. He moans out already wanting to cum.

Felix grabs the bottle of lube and squeezes some into his hand. He grabs Hyunjin cock and starts jerking him off, making more precum leak out. Hyunjin is a moaning mess, his eyes closed savoring the sensation. Felix moves faster and watches as Hyunjin's back arches off the bed and his moans grow louder.

"Da-daddy, please" Hyunjin cries out.

"Cum for me baby boy." Felix says speeding up his pace even more.

"AGH, FUCK." Hyunjin screams, cumming all over Felix's hand and onto his stomach.

Felix steps back from Hyunjin and takes his cum covered hand and brings it to Hyunjin's mouth. Hyunjin gladly starts licking his hand clean. Satisfied he moves his hand away and watches as Hyunjin is gulping for air, his chest falling and rising fast.

Felix smirks, knowing the night is just beginning.

😳😳 oh poor Hyunjin! 🙈🙈 sounds like he's in for a rough night!

1419 words

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