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Hyunjin has lost count of how many times he has cum now or how long he's been tied down. His throat hoarse from all the moaning and straining. His face is covered in tears from the repeated overstimulation.

"AHH" Hyunjin moans out as another orgasm rips through his body.

Cum barely coming out of his cock, he doesn't even have time to go soft from how strong the vibrations are. There were two vibrators attached to his dick, one sitting right below his head turned all the way up while the other sat right as his base. Cum is covering his stomach and pelvic area and he continues to twitch and moan from the pleasure. His hair's a mess and had come out of his ponytail long ago and a layer of sweat covers his body.

"Da-Daddy no more ple..please" Hyunjin begs, stuttering, he looks over at Felix through his tears.

Hyunjin could barely make him out since his head was still hanging off the side of the bed and tears were continuously falling from his face. Felix says nothing just watching the mess that he has now become.

Hyunjin withers from the overstimulation. He wants to close his leg in hopes to try and stop the vibrations, but he was told to keep his legs open and he obeys. His legs jerk up as he cries out again, yet another orgasm is ripped from him. He is on the verge of passing out and prays that Felix will stop the torture soon.

Felix finally gets up from the armchair and walks over to the bed. His hand reaches out to grab onto one of the nipple clamps, he releases it from Hyunjin's nipple. Hyunjin screams out his back arching off the bed. He immediately leans down and puts the nipple in his mouth, licking it to try and calm the stinging. He reaches over to the other clap and releases it making Hyunjin again scream out hoarsely. He moves to the other nipple and immediately starts sucking on it gently.

Felix leans back, looking down at Hyunjin who is whimpering softly, tears streaming down his face still. He turns off both vibrators and pulls them off of Hyunjin, he watches while Hyunjin's body physically relaxes. He unhooks his wrist from his ankles and helps Hyunjin to sit up. Hyunjin relaxed back into him as he quietly watched Hyunjin trying to catch his breath. He still hadn't said anything. He knows he should stop, but he is still angry and jealous. He dick still hard and he is ready to fuck Hyunjin.

"Get on your knees pup." Felix says to Hyunjin.

Surprised Hyunjin looks back at Felix, he sees that dark look again in Felix's eyes and whimpers. He is exhausted but listens and slowly moves onto his knees, his ass facing Felix. Felix grabs the older, spreading his cheeks, he whines out feeling embarrassed in the vulnerable position. Felix moved his hand back and brought it back down, smacking him on his ass cheek. He moans out, feeling shivers run down his spine. Felix goes back to spreading his cheeks, watching his asshole twitch under his breath. He squirms feeling his dick get hard again.

Felix leans in and sticks out his tongue licking the older. The older moans out and pushes back into Felix's tongue, desperate to feel more. He continues his attack on Hyunjin until he is completely satisfied. Hyunjin is again a mess, moans spilling out of his mouth. The older's dick was painfully hard again.

"Turn around and lay on your back baby boy." Felix says, grabbing the lube and squeezing it on his fingers.

Hyunjin flips over and whimpers from how sore his body feels. He spreads his legs to give Felix better access. Felix kneels down and licks the length of his cock while circling a finger around his hole. He moans out and his body jerks up from the sensation. Felix takes the opportunity to put him in his mouth and insert a finger. He gasps and moans wanting more. Felix is bobbing up and down making a moaning mess of Hyunjin.

"Daddy, more please." Hyunjin begs out.

Felix obliges and inserts another finger into Hyunjin, moving it in and out at a steady pace now. His moans continue, reaching his hands down to put them in Felix's hair. Wet noises and moans are the only sound in the air as Felix puts in another finger, stretching him out.

"I want you inside me daddy, no more." Hyunjin begs, his hole clenching around Felix's fingers.

Felix doesn't stop, he moves his fingers faster. He relaxes his throat and deepthroats Hyunjin's dick.

"Agh, fuck, " Hyunjin moans out cumming down Felix's throat, his whole body clenching with how intense his orgasm is.

Felix comes off his dick with a pop, licking his lips, "You taste amazing pup." He pulls his fingers from Hyunjin's hole, watching it clench at nothing.

Hyunjin whines out from the empty feeling. Felix stands up and brings his fingers to his lips, licking his finger while staring down at Hyunjin. Hyunjin blushes, licking his lips, staring back at his lust filled eyes.

"You wanna taste baby boy?" Felix teases. Hyunjin nods, watching Felix lick all over his own fingers.

Felix brings his hand to Hyunjin's mouth and he sticks out his tongue, tasting himself and moans. Felix pushes his hand further into his mouth, feeling he swirl his tongue around Felix's fingers.

Felix is leaking precum and is beyond ready to fuck Hyunjin. He quickly pulls out his fingers and grabs both of Hyunjin's legs pushing them back so his hole is more exposed.

Felix rubs his dick on Hyunjin's hole watching it clench. He lines his dick up and pushes in and groans at the tight sensation around his dick. Hyunjin moans out at the stretch, already getting hard again. He pushes in more, bottoming out as Hyunjin moans and squirms underneath him.

"Fuck pup, you feel so good around me," Felix says.

Hyunjin moans clenching around Felix, making him groan from the sensation. He doesn't move, waiting for Hyunjin to get used to the feeling. He however does lean down and nibble on Hyunjin's nipple.

"Please move daddy," Hyunjin moans, not wanting to wait any longer.

Felix leans back up and pulls out and quickly thrust back in. Hyunjin arches off the bed and moans out, his eyes squeezing shut at the overwhelming sensation. Felix groans and continues to pull back and thrust in. Slow deep thrusts hitting his prostate making him cry out in pleasure.

"Faster daddy ple..please" Hyunjin moans, gripping Felix's arms.

Felix grunts and quickens his pace. Strings of moans escape Hyunjin's mouth. He stares down at Hyunjin while hitting his prostate with every stroke. He loves how much Hyunjin is falling apart in front of him. His hole clenching around him desperately with every stroke. He felt close to orgasming and he knew Hyunjin was close as well.

"You going to cum for me pup?" Felix says as he wraps his hand around Hyunjin's neck, squeezing slightly.

Hyunjin's eyes widened and he moans out, he has a huge choking kink and could come within seconds of being choked. He squeezed his eyes close, his whole body tensing as an orgasm crashes over him.

Felix's thrust becomes sloppy as he feels Hyunjin clenching around him so hard. He grunts as he cums inside Hyunjin finally loosening up his grip on the older neck.

"Fuck" Felix says trying to catch is breath.

Felix is panting as he looks up at Hyunjin who has passed out from his intensity of the night. He pulls out with a small moan, watching his cum leak out of Hyunjin's hole. He watches the rise and fall of Hyunjin's chest from his steady breathing. Guilt washed over him as he started to clean himself and Hyunjin up. With his thoughts racing he finishes cleaning and getting dressed, preparing for what's to come tomorrow.

Welp....who else needs some holy water 🙈🙈

How do you think Hyunjin will react in the morning?

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