Valentine's Special Part 4

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Felix moved off the bed again, puttin the candle down and grabbed the handcuffs and blindfold. He got back on the bed and Hyunjin moved his arms in front of him, letting Felix attach the handcuffs to his hands. He pulled the blindfold over Hyunjin's eyes and got off the bed again.

Hyunjin's hearing was heightened since he couldn't see anything. His heartbeat was beating too loudly in his ears for him to hear properly. He felt the bed dip again, he turned his head that way waiting for Felix's next move.

"Ahh," Hyunjin moaned out, feeling the wax hit his thigh. Felix smirked watching the wax fall from the candle once again and hit Hyunjin's thigh a little bit higher this time. "Ahhh."

The fact that Hyunjin couldn't see was making the sensation even more intense. He had goosebumps literally his body, the anticipation of Felix's next move making him on edge. Felix moved the candle over to Hyunjin's other thigh and watched the candle drip down and hit Hyunjin twice, making the older flinch and moan.

"Does it feel good kitten?" Felix said lowly, watching the older squirm in his spot.

"Y-yes daddy...ungh," Hyunjin moaned as more wax was dripped onto his thighs. His cock twitched, "it feels, ahh, it-it feels good."

Felix gently pushed the older back, making him fall back onto the bed. Hyunjin untucked his legs from underneath and sunk back onto the bed. He admired the older, seeing the red wax covering his thighs. He shuffled forward in between Hyunjin's legs. He leaned forward and with his free hands moved Hyunjin's cuffed hands to above his head, giving the younger full access to his chest. He tipped the candle once again and watched the liquid wax drip down onto Hyunjin's chest.

"UNGH," Hyunjin moaned loudly. His back arching off the bed.

Felix tipped the candle against letting it drip down hitting Hyunjin twice near his nipple. Hyunjin moaned his hands wanting to move down, but he kept where they were. With his free hand he grabbed Hyunjin's dick and started jerking it off while dripping wax down his body. Moans were tumbling out of the older's mouth, his body starting to sweat from all the overwhelming sensations.

Felix stopped his movements wanting the older to flip over. Hyunjin whimpered when Felix stopped his movements. "Turn over baby boy."

Hyunjin took a deep breath, gathering himself. He pulled his arms down and flipped his body over so he was laying on his stomach, his arms trapped underneath him. He raised his ass up waiting for Felix's next move.

Felix raised his hand smacking the older. SMACK.

"Ungh, fu-fuck," Hyunjin cried out. Felix watched the skin turn red underneath the spot he slapped. Smirking to himself.

Felix tipped the candle watching it drip down to the spot he just slapped, Hyunjin's body jerked forward and moaned. Felix's free hand grabbed Hyunjin's ass, squeezing and massaging in his hand. Felix tipped the candle watching it drip down all along Hyunjin's spine, making the older squirm and moan. Felix leaned down putting his lips on the older's butt cheek and sucking on it, leaving a hickey, making Hyunjin gasped and moaned. He leaned back admiring his work and put the candle down so he could use both his hands. He spread Hyunjin's cheeks leaning down and stuck his tongue out licking all already Hyunjin's rim.

"Ahh, da-daddy," Hyunjin moaned, pushing his ass back, wanting to feel Felix's tongue inside him.

Felix complied, and stuck his tongue in the older, slowly pushing it in and out. Hyunjin clenched around the younger's tongue, moaning from the sensation.

"Mo-more please," Hyunjin begged, ready for the younger to fuck him.

"Needy are we," Felix teased, moving to lick his fingers to get them wet.

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