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Felix decided to stop at a rest stop before meeting the others. He gently shook Hyunjin awake, they were only a few minutes away from the rental house they were staying at. Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes and turned to look over at Felix. He looked out the window and realized he had slept almost the whole trip.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner," Hyunjin looked back over at Felix. "I didn't mean to sleep the whole drive." He shifted in his seat and winced when he felt the vibrator still inside him.

"I didn't want to hurt you while you were in subspace, so I didn't try to take it out," Felix said as he turned to Hyunjin after putting them into park. "I also know you needed the sleep after an intense session so I just let you sleep, it's okay." He reached over and squeezed Hyunjin's hand.

Hyunjin squeezed back and looked up at Felix, "Thank you for taking care of me."

Felix nodded his head, "Let's get the vibrator out and we can meet the others."

Hyunjin blushed and nodded his head. They both got out of the car and headed towards the restroom. He stayed close to Felix as they walked to the bathroom, he wanted to cling onto him, but didn't want to weird the younger out. He was feeling extra needy and wanted to be affectionate with Felix, but he wanted to talk to him first. Clear the air so to speak since they haven't had a chance to talk about things between them.

They reached the bathroom and Felix turned to Hyunjin and asked, "Do you want me to help you get it out or do you think you can get it?"

Hyunjin blushed a deeper shade of red. Cute, he still gets shy after all these years, Felix thought. "Do you mind helping, please," Hyunjin said shyly, looking at the ground.

Felix reached up and caressed Hyunjin's cheek, "It's ok, I don't mind helping." They both went into the bathroom. "Can you bend over a little,"
He watched as Hyunjin buried his face into his hands. He knew the older was just dying of embarrassment. He chuckled, "It's okay pup, I am here to take care of you. It's my job as your dom and I want to." He reassured Hyunjin, rubbing his lower back.

Hyunjin nodded, cheeks still burning. He pulled his jeans and boxers down and put one hand on the wall to support him and held his shirt up with the other hand.

"Deep breaths," Felix said, licking his fingers.

Felix put one hand on Hyunjin's lower back, rubbing it trying to keep him calm and reassured him. He pushed one finger in and the older let out a small moan. He sighed in relief that Hyunjin still felt wet from their earlier activity and gently pushed in another finger.

Hyunjin was biting his lips trying to suppress his moans, he shouldn't be getting turned on, but he couldn't help himself. He felt Felix hooked his finger around the vibrator and started to pull it out.

"Ahh...fuck," Hyunjin moaned out, he was hard now and definitely turned on.

"It's almost out, pup," Felix said.

Felix wanted to tease the older, but decided against it since they had to get going to meet the rest of the members. Hyunjin couldn't help but clench around his finger and the vibrator. He finally pulled it all the way out and Hyunjin let out a gasp.

"Okay, let's get cleaned up and we need to head out," Felix said, rubbing Hyunjin's back again. Hyunjin whipped his head around to stare at Felix, and whined. Felix smirked, "What's wrong pup?"

Hyunjin had turned all the way around now to look at Felix. He blushed and looked down at the ground. "Look at me pup," Felix said, lifting Hyunjin's chin to make him make eye contact. "Tell me what you want."

"I...," Hyunjin started and gulped. "I want you," Hyunjin whispered, looking away from Felix's intense stare, but immediately looked back into his eyes.

Felix smirked, he loved that he had such an effect on Hyunjin. Even after all these years, he could turn the older on. He leaned in, still staring into Hyunjin's warm brown eyes. As he got closer he looked down at the older's lips and his eyes flickered back up to look into Hyunjin's. He watched as Hyunjin closed his eyes and leaned into him. He stopped short of kissing him, their lips almost touching.

As Felix whispered, "You're just going to have to be patient, baby boy."Felix grabbed Hyunjin's cock and stroked it once and let go and leaned back.

Hyunjin moaned from the touch, not quite registering what Felix said yet. When he did his eyes flew open and he whined.


"No, pup. We need to get going." Felix firmly said.

Hyunjin pouted but didn't argue as he pulled his jeans up and tried to wish his boner away. They both left the restroom and got back into the car. Before driving off Felix looked over at Hyunjin.

"Let's see what the day is like but if we can get in a quick session we will, I promise."

Hyunjin, still pouting, nodded in agreement. Felix reached over and squeezed his thigh. "No more pouting pup. Let's have a good day with the other members."

Felix watched as Hyunjin nodded again and went to stare out the window. He glanced one more time at Hyunjin before getting back on the road to head to the rental house.


Hmmm wonder what the weekend holds for them! Any thoughts. What do you want to see?

918 words

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