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Hyunin jerked awake trying to figure out where he was, he looks outside and it's still a bit dark. He feels a warm body next to him, their limbs intertwined. He looks to his left and sees a sleeping Felix beside him and the memories from the night before crashes over him. He shivers remembering how intense it was and the look in Felix's eyes was something he's seen before but it's been awhile. He rolls over to face Felix watching his relaxed face and steady breathing. He looks so beautiful, he thought. He stared at Felix's freckles admiring how they looked like the stars across the younger face. He reached over to gently play with Felix's hair trying not to wake the younger. Felix stirs and he suddenly stops his movements, not wanting to get caught. He knows he shouldn't but he can't help but feel the urge to put his arms around the younger and never let him go. He settles with cuddling up closer to the younger and closes his eyes and falls back asleep.

Felix's eyes flutter open groaning gently from the sun shining through the window. His breath catches realizing how close Hyunjin was to him. The older was so close their noses were almost touching, he could feel Hyunjin's breathe on him. He took this time to admire the older. He looks so innocent, he thought, though Felix knew from what they did yesterday Hyunjin was anything but. Guilt courses through him again, thinking of last tonight. Did I go too far, he thought. Why did I let my feelings dictate my actions? He was so deep in thought he didn't notice Hyunjin had woken up and been staring at his lips.

"You could just kiss me instead of staring at my lips," Hyunjin says with a slight smirk, his voice a little hoarse, which is expectedly after how vocal he had gotten last night.

Felix blushed, he didn't expect to be caught staring at the older, especially his lips. They had talked about no kissing when they first started their physical interactions, it seems silly, but kissing seemed too intimate back then especially since they both had feelings for each other. They have both stuck with it, but it was definitely difficult for them. They had kissed before, but it has been several years.

"I'm hoping you're okay," Felix says, reaching up and tucking a piece of Hyunjin's hair behind his ear.

It was Hyunjin's turn to blush, he clears his throat, "I'm okay." Felix, not sure if he believes him, just nods his head and keeps staring at the older.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin whispers, feeling the anxiety coming off the younger.

Felix isn't sure how to answer, if he says the wrong thing then Hyunjin will realize his feelings, but he knows he should explain himself.

"I'm sorry for last night," Felix says, looking into Hyunjin's eyes, avoiding Hyunjin's initial question.

Hyunjin shakes his head, "there's nothing to be sorry for Felix. If I wanted to stop I would've used my safe word."

Hyunjin grabs Felix's hand and gives it a small squeeze to try and reassure him. He turns away his anxiety is getting the better of him and he needs to leave before he blurts out his feelings. He moves to get up, Hyunjin however reaches out and grabs his hand.

"I'm really ok, Felix," Hyunjin says.

Felix turns around, his heart beating so loudly in his ears. Hyunjin moves to sit up and scoot closer to him and hugs him. He doesn't know how to feel. His feelings for Hyunjin are consuming him slowly, making him act irrationally and he just wants to be able to freely love the older, but he's worried about how Hyunjin will react. Will he love me back? Will he push me away with disgust? He thought.

Hyunjin interrupts his thoughts, "Do you have to go to the studio today or can we hang out today?"

Felix is a little surprised Hyunjin wanted to spend the day together. They hadn't done it in years, but he would love nothing more than to spend as much time with the older as possible.

Felix shakes his head, "I can let them know I'm not coming in." He gives Hyunjin a little squeeze before letting go of his hug.

"If that's ok?" Hyunjin says, smiling at him.

Felix nods his head and turns to once again get up from the bed. He grins to himself, getting butterflies from how nervous he is to spend the day with Hyunjin.

"I'm going to go call the studio. I will be right back." Felix says as he walks out of the bedroom. Hyunjin watches him walk away, blushing since he is just in boxers.

Hyunjin relaxes back into the pillows waiting for Felix to come back. He lets his thoughts drift into the past. The two of them have been through so much together. He feels like their physical attraction for each other has definitely grown, but he isn't sure about their emotional attachment. He wants to be with Felix, but isn't sure Felix feels the same. Though last night that look in his eye, he thought. He has seen that look before. It has been awhile but it was back during their performance days. Whenever any of the other members were too friendly with him and he was friendly back, Felix would be so tense. Was he jealous? He thought. He was so consumed in his thoughts he didn't notice the younger walking back in until the bed dipped.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Felix asked, leaning in getting really close to Hyunjin's face.

Hyunjin blinks coming out of his thoughts. He stares back into Felix's deep brown eyes, getting lost in them. He forgets to answer the younger and just continues to stare at him.

"Earth too Hyunjin" Felix teases and waves his hand in front of Hyunjin's face.

Hyunjin turns a deep shade of red, embarrassed he was so caught up with staring at the younger, he forgot to respond. "Sorry, I was lost in thought," he shyly says.

Felix smirks at him, he loved teasing the older and he was too cute when he was all blushing and embarrassed. "What do you want to do today, Hyung?" He asked.

Hyunjin whines, "Don't call me Hyung." Felix chuckled, as Hyunjin's blush became a deeper shade of red.

Felix leans in to whisper into his ear, "Would you rather me call you pup?"

Hyunjin is so flustered now, he pushes Felix away and whines, burying his face into hands. Felix laughs, loving Hyunjin's reaction. Felix leans back in and kisses him on his forehead.

"Let's go eat something. I will make us breakfast."

Hyunjin is still burying his face in his hands. His heart beating in his ears. He feels Felix tugging his hands down, he looks up at Felix who is smiling warmly at him.

"Come on, hyung." Felix tugs at his hand so the two get up together.

The two get up hand in hand and head to the living room. Both super excited to spend the day together.

Hehe would love a flustered Hyunjin 🤭

Wonder what the next chapter holds? Any guesses

1185 words

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