Dark Lord

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Snape cried when saw Lily Potter laid motionless after being killed by Dark Lord.He hugged her and cried.He saw a baby boy who also cried as if he knew the situation.Snape was in despair because he lost the person that he loved.He never thought Peter Pettigrew exposed Potter hideout.He saw the baby boy got lightning scar on his forehead...a spell that fireback the Dark Lord.He need to go or they would know his identity

After few hours...

Three people arrived at 4 Privet Drive.They arrived at the house...a house that only that child have.Lily sister..Petunia.

"Are you sure bout this Aba?"Dumbledore asked Aba.

"Yes.That what Lily said to me if anything happen to her and James.Well we dont have any choice Albus..okay wheres Hagrid he should be here.We dont have much time.Besides Im going to open my kokotiam cafe.Gosh  im going to get jet lag after this"Aba sighed.

"you never change Aba.Anyway send my regards to Makoto.Long time no see her."Minerva said.

Aba just nodded and smiled.Hagrid arrived with his motorbike.He hold Harry...a boy who defeated dark lord.That boy still sleep like nothing happen.Aba then wrote something on paper and put into basket where Harry place.Harry was placed in front of door.After a few knocking door...four of them disappeared

Meanwhile at Godric Hollow...

"Well,well,well...its time to do hocus pocus..."

"Bro,i already teleported them in safe place.Everything clear no sign of them"

"Good...you guys can go now.Im going to do to little maho"

The man in red hood took out his wand and swung his wand and casted spell.

"Bombarda Maxima"

He laughed evil and disappeared.Potter house burned.The next target would be died on his hand.

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