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I already in my robe as we would arrived at Hogsmade station few minutes.Yeah its was already dark.I made another friend too after Neville.It seem Neville had gone somewhere.I sighed.I guess i should go by myself.Boboiboy...hmm what a unique name and glad he from Malaysia too.I wonder what house i could be sorted...Viktor already in Ravenclaw..well duhh he was genius.Then a few minutes we already arrived and i heard someone called first year students to be gathered.

Without wasting time i went out fro. Rhe train and yeah Comot went somewhere using its invisible mode.Where the heck Neville!?.Ughh that boy really scared with Draco.We all then followed  a big man and i guessed this was Hagrid.Viktor told me that he was a Gatekeeper of Hogwarts.

"One boat three person"Hagrid said.

Everyone went to the boat randomly.Goshh this really nonsense.I tried to find the boat and found one.Theres a boy and a girl and they waved to me.I guessed they wanted me to join them.Thank goodness...i then hopped on the boat

"Thank for this"i grinned smile

"Your welcome"said a blond ash boy

"Remember thou this, that I, Fischl, am the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, Sovereign of Immernachtreich, omniscient and eminent judge of all the world's iniquity!"said a girl with ponytail.

I jawdropped bit.Gahhh the classic europe language.I smirked.Oho worth to try

"I Ali,the Al-Gazel ,very thank you for give a space of friendship"I smiled bit.

Fischl who heard stunned to speak but she smiled and blushed.Thd ash blond boy giggled.He then introduced himself as Bennett Stanley.The girl was Fischl Verurteilung.I guessed Fischl  loved poet and fantasy literature.Thats great ..

"Im Ali can we be friends?"I asked them

"Sure",Fischl and Bennett  smiled. friends.

new friends

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"so comrade,why you seem just normal ride right"Childe chuckled.

"How can i be quiet after Fred said thers no horse..but i see that one.You must not believe me right"I groaned

"You mean thestral..a horse look like.I can see that too..well what Fred said right.This creature can be seen those who face death and despair.I think you know what i mean"Childe said.

I could tell he was sad bit.Thats why i could see that...err yeah...death and despair huh?...losing my elemental siblings and losing Ochobot...haha ironyyy

"Im sorry to hear that"I said to him

"Dont worry comrade.People always die when time come.Just its pain when you see your person that you love passed away"Childe smiled.

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