Archon Order

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"Before we meet Professor Morax.I want to tell you something.I hope you guys are not mad to me"Yoimiya sighed.

"We wouldnt.Besides,everyone had their own secrets."Bbb grinned smile

"Anyway guys,it is okay we roam here.What if any professor caught us?"Childe gulped.

Three of them facepalmed each other.They decided to go back Slytherin Tower.


The next morning,

Ali was unable to wake up due suddenly he got fever.Lucky on him as Bennett helped him to take care on him.

"Ali,are you sure you will be alright "Bennett worry on his friend.

"Im okay...lucky the air temperature in our dorm is chill.Im feel bad that you had to absent for taking care on me"Ali said weakly.

"Im your bestie.Thats my responsibility.Both of us kinda lucky,magical education system and muggle ones are different.Here we still can learn without lost credit.When is your last time got fever?"Bennett make a hot cocoa.

"If i recall..bout a year ago."Ali answered

Bennett gave Ali a cup of hot cocoa to Ali.He then too out Atlas and wore it.Ali was suprised the Atlas can be used.

"How?"Ali astonished.

"Well after you give the Atlas as present.Me and Fischl went to her aunt,Lisa to adjust this Atlas.The source power of Atlas is mana"Bennett said.

Ali astonished

"Well Lisa teach us wizard and witch.We had our mana capacity.Only several know about mana.Thats why they can perform powerful spell.Mana is formed the nature."Bennett said.

Ali understood.

"You are brilliant Bennett"Ali smiled.

"Nah,im just recall only"Bennett chuckled.


At somewhere place...

Four people had a meeting on peak of mountain.They were archons.They were Morax,Barbatos,Rukkhadevata and Baal.

"I see your grandson quite interesting in studies.It seem he score in every test with flying color"Morax sipped a cup of osmanthus wine.

"Sure he does.So hows your guys investigation"Baal asked.

"It seem Death Eater started to move.Some Death Eater are undercover as workers in Magical Department...some of them i manage to  vanish"Barbatos.

"So Morax,Rukkhadevata,hows your situation in Hogwarts"Baal asked.

"Rukhadevata and I  discovered that Quinrell is helping Voldermort.Yoimiya found out know that snake head om the Quinrell head."Morax said

"Right now ive found out Fischl Verurteilung had an Inner Eyes after testing.She seem know bout Inner Eyes but she was afraid.Right now she seem trust me"Rukkhadevata smiled.

" bout another two.Do you find them.."Baal asked

"Not yet. We still not find Wisdom of Merlin and Agni..."Rukkhadevata sighed again

"Dont worry.We will find them.After Rosalyn broke the information to Dark Lord,we need to protect them."Baal said.

"So what you doing now Baal?"Rukkhadevata asked.

"nothing.sometimes i subjugated some Death Eater outside Europe and Pureblood who treat Muggleborn ones badly"Baal smirked.

"Do Malfoy family too?"Rukkhadevata asked .

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