Diagon Alley

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We arrived at middle of London.I got jet lag bit and very sleepy but thanks to Granny Ma who gave me a cup of chocolate made by Tok Aba.Brrr...its quite cold bit in London although its sunny day.Tok Aba said we would go to Leaky Cauldron which its Diagon Alley entrance.I wondered how that place look a like.Actually Leaky Cauldron looked a like a tavern.Nice decoration and very classic.I jawdropped when saw a big bushy man approached towards us

"Long time no see Professor Aba.What make you here?"he said.

" Hagrid..well its for my grandson.He is going to be in Hogwarts.oh BBB this is Hagrid .one of my best student"Tok Abs said

I jawdropped.Since when my grandfather taught in Europe.My goodness it seem my grandfather was really amazing.I and Hagrid handshook for a while.Then three of us entered into Diagon Alley which made me anazed.Ok its time to buy school stuffs.I wondered what they would look like


What kind of this place.No thecnologies but the  magic here worked like thecnologies.How come they combusted fire easily.Viktor just laughed at me in confusion.Thanks to Aunty Ong who helped me bought school stuffs.Man what lot books need to be read.

"Hey Viktor,i think everything already being bought by your mother.The only left is a wand..is it necessary?Just buy like that right"I said to him

"Ali..in this world..wand choose you not you choose the wand.Hmm besides you might take time because you are Muggleborn Wizard"Viktor said to me.

I wasnt used with this term and really what was Muggleborn ?

"Muggle-what"I  confused

Viktor sighed bit.

"Okay Ali...in this world theres three race s as far i know...theres Pureblood..Halfblood and...Muggleborn.For Pureblood is his or her family is pure witches or wizards.Yeah mostly they boasted and claimed they gifted.For Half blood is when a Pureblood one married muggleborn...their kid know as Half blood"Viktor said.

"So what about Muggleborn"i asked

"In rare case...the magic genes skip through generation due a Squid in one family.A Squib is a person from wizard or witches family but unable to do magic due mutation.So after long time..the magic genes might actived again after married muggle one"Viktor said.

I nodded and understood bit.Hmm..so  i was a Muggleborn Wizard...one of my parents must be came from magic family.Dang lot thing to process.Viktor then brought me to the Ollivander Wand shop.Two of us entered into the shop and i could tell full of wands...

3rd PoV.

Ali and Viktor then being approached by an old man.Yeah he really old made Ali shrieked bit.

"Viktor Ong.12 1/4-inches, made of Ash, and had a unicorn hair core.Do you wand your wand be fixed?"asked Ollivander.

Viktor chuckled as he denied as this was for his friend,Ali.Ollivander observed Ali and hummed for a while before going to take some box of wands.Ali looked at Viktor

"He is the wand seller and rumour said he could talk with wands.Im curious what kind wand you will get "Viktor smile.

"Wait you have got wand.I thought we would get wand?"Ali confused

"Well you see...im now second year student.Special case..hahaaha"Viktor laughed

Ali pouted and he already knew what his friend said.If in the normal school he was genius ...in this magic school he might genius too.Ollivander came with box of wands and asked Ali to give try each.Everytime Ali used each wands would end .... destruction and luckily Viktor helped him cleaning Ali messing.

"Maybe this one is right.Give a try"Ollivander said.

Ali groaned and sighed.Was he really a wizard??.

He swished a wand and he felt something warm in his body.Feeling harmony.Like a warm hug.Ollivander and Viktor amazed and congratulate Ali as the wand chose him.

"Impressive, 9"cherry, tiger heartstring wand.Tiger one huh..i bet youre from Asia right."Ollivander said

Ali sweatdropped and Viktor just giggled After bought the wand two of them went out and noticed Aunty Ong waved to them .

"I have already bought school supplies.Oh yeah Ali nice wand you got.Lets go home..we have lot thing to do before 1st September come"she said

Ali and Viktor nodded

BBB,his grandpa and grandma entered into the Ollivander Wand shop.He amazed with the shop decoration.Ollivander came and he was surprised as his old friends came.

"Well Aba,Makoto. ..its been years after we graduated.What make you come here"Ollivander said.

"Its for our grandson.He will be attend to Hogwarts.So we want to find suitable wand for him."Tok Aba said.

Bbb smiled to the owner.Ollivander then checked on Bbb right hand.He suprised and then went to the shelves of wands.He muttered sometimes and he seem rushed.

"Errr is he okay.Why look so panic grandma"BBB asked her

"Im not sure.Well he use to be like this but this time quite unusual"said Grandma Makoto.

Ollivander came with a box of wand.Tok Aba and Grandma Makoto were suprised with it design.BBB astonished bit and he then took the wand and gave a swish bit.

The wilt rose suddenly bloomed...
The whole store felt fresh and chill..

"Amazing.Amazing...i never see this happen"Ollivander said in happiness.

Tok Aba and Grandma Makoto smiled.Well they already expected from BBB.BBB seem confused and asked them.

"9 ½"Rosewood,Veela hair...amazing.its rare wand.I guess you got Veela blood from your family..isnt right Makoto"Ollivander said with smile

"Ara ara ara ...dont mention it Ollivander.I never thought my grandson got Veela core..what a memory"Grandma Makoto giggled.

BBB seem confused but decided to asked them at home or maybe he need to search bout Veela.Whats that??Why Grandma Makoto smiled.Three of them went out from the store and decided to have meal at nearby restaurant after get out from Leaky Cauldron.

"You must wondering about Veela right?"Grandma Makoto ate a dango.

"Errr can we talk bout this...we are at muggle restaurant"BBB confused.

"Dont worry.This restaurant owned by my friend..Andrius.He also wizard."Tok Aba said.

"May Razor take your order?"said a waiter.

"Oh its you Razor.Its been a while.Hows your father?"Grandma Makoto said

"Father is okay.Razor okay too."Razor smiled.

Bbb smiled to Razor.Razor nodded.So three of them had meal.

"Thats Razor is cool.How do you know him grandma"BBB asked.

"Well  he is your senior.I guess he is in Slytherin house but he is good boy.Besides he is a Beater for Quidditch"Grandma Makoto said.

"Okay.. Quidditch whats that?"BBB asked.

"Its like basketball but use broomstick.Your grandma and I  were a Chaser.Yeah quite brutal but worth"Tok Aba sip osmanthus tea.

"Ok got it but now what Veela?"BBB asked his grandma.

"Well..."she grinned smile.

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