Forbidden Forest

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Bbb,Yoimiya and Childe being tasked by Professor Sucrose to go into Forbidden Forest for collecting flame and ice flower for experiment.Lucky Hagrid accompany them.

"Goshh why we need to go in night"Childe groaned.

"Because Professor Sucrose said that flowers only bloom in tonight . Besides its easy to locate them when they glow"Yoimiya said.

Bbb helped Hagrid carry a sack which for put the flame and ice flower.Hagrid explained that they had to wait for some student as that students being punished.

"Look like we got company huh"Yoimiya said when Harry,Ron,Draco and Hermione came

Bbb astonished why that four first year students were punished and what kind punishment they would given.Hagrid then explained to them about unicorn.Bbb asked bout unicorn and Childe explained that animal full of magic...the blood made someone immortal but they had to drank blood every full moon.Bbb looked at the sky...crap full moon.

"Why i could tell something bad happen.Especially when Draco here"Bbb sighed.

"That kid is really an eyesore on me.Alway talk bout his richness and his father.Rumours said his father and his family was Death Eater.I could tell they are one of them"Childe frowned.

"Eerr..who Death Eater"Bbb was curious.

"Its an organization that organized by Dark Lord.They are follower Dark Lord...and involve First Wizard War.My father said that time really miserable.Many innocent soul were killed by them include Muggle.Lets say that time really dark."Yoimiya said.

"Believe gonna be pain when you discover your family was also part of them"Childe facepalmed.

"Sound like you had bad experience "Bbb said.

"My aunty,Rosalyne was one of them.Right now she was imprisoned in Azkaban.After her husband being killed ,she was forced to become one of them.She also as crazy as Bellatrix."Childe said weakly.

Bbb and Yoimiya were sympathy with Childe.Two of them hugged Childe.Childe thanked them for comforting him.

"Cmon we are your bestie.We are always be with you"Bbb grinned smile.

"Whoever hurt my bestie..she or he gonna face my explosion firework"Yoimiya said.

Three of them laughed.Then they followed Hagrid and the others into the forest.Hagrid gave them map of location of fire and ice flowers.


Childe screamed angrily when his clothes burnt bit after picking up fire flame flower and Yoimiya accidentally frozen for a while after touched the ice flower.

"Seriously how to pick these flowers"Yoimiya and Childe said.

I laughed then i showed them how to do.I took out my wand..and pointed at flame flower...


My wand came out with a line of water and showered to flame flower.The flame of flower gone and it became orange petal flower.

"How do you know to do"Yoimiya asked

"Err well Professor Sucrose told me after you guys hurried went out from class."I said

"Yoimiya,i heard you are good in fire spell.How bout you try"I said again.

"With my pleasure..stay back"Yoimiya grinned evilly smile.

"You know what comrade,if anything bad happen gonna hex you"Childe sighed.

"You betcha Childe..."i smirked.

"Bombarda"Yoimiya casted explosion spell.

The ice plant changed into blue petal flower.Yoimiya jumped with joy.Three of us collected some flame and ice flowers untill we heard something bad....

"Guys,what the actual fuck is that"Childe whispered.

"Oi Childe,language"Yoimiya whispered.

I shrugged as three of us decided to see what the weird sound through bush.We jawdropped as a black hood thing suck dead unicorn.Childe was very angry a lot as he took out the wand.

"Wait..thats Harry"I said.

"Guys that thing attack Harry"Yoimiya was panicking.

I looked at Childe.He nodded angrily.

"Get away from him you bastard"Childe launched watery arrow towards the black hood

Meanwhile me used my lightning speed to save Harry and give to Yoimiya.Yoimiya was shock but she just kept quiet.Childe and I faced that black hood guy who growled angrily.

"How dare you"Childe gritted his teeth angrily as he actived his Delusion.

He create watery bow and arrow.I created lightning swords for attack that thing.Yoimiya hugged Harry and she looked at that black hood.

"No way..its totally him"she whispered.

The black hood thing flew towards me and Childe but a fenrir came made that thing went away.Childe and I thanked the Fenrir.

"Childe Tartaglia..and Boboiboy Amato.You share same fate.May you being blessed.What a sad scene..a unicorn being killed"Fenrir sighed.

Yoimiya came out with Harry.Harry was still shock what he saw.

"Yoimiya Naganohara ...a contract still a contract"said Fenrir

Yoimiya was gulped.She forgot Fenrir could fortune.I looked at her and she nodded.Four of us then went back to Hagrid and explained everything.Hagrid was glad that we were safe.

"Harry,anything happen.Please do tell us.We can help you"I patted Harry shoulder.

"Yes Bbb senior..Err..thanks for save me"Harry said to Childe ,Yoimiya and I


"Yoimiya,i guess you have to spill tea to us after what Fenrir said"Childe said.

"Okay.I will tell and you guys need to tell too..Childe i know you use Delusion but Boboiboy what kind magic item you use"Yoimiya said.

"Ohh well ...i guess we need to go someplace where no one peeking"I smiled.

Yoimiya and Childe nodded.

"Guys,i guess let three of us spill the tea.I dont want our friendship ruin.In magic world,something simple could be reason hatred.Thats how Dark Lord strategy"Yoimiya said.

Bbb asked them bout Dark Lord strategy as he was still new with this world.

"What i know, first stage,they made everyone curious to each other and make them disbelief....second,the kidnapping important people...third,people to frame"Childe explained

"It like divide and rule eyy"Bbb said.

"Exactly"Childe and Yoimiya said.

Childe then explained about Delusion that he used..this Dark Artifact was one of his family heirloom.Only Tartaglia fanily can use Delusion..if others peopel use it....they will be died after use it.Yoimiya sighed and she agreed as she saw others witches tried to use it but they end with death.Bbb felt cringe what he heard

"I think i explained about this"Bbb showed his power watch to Childe and Yoimiya

"Its not magic artifact as its come out from galaxy"i said.

Childe and Yoimiya amazed.

"With this ..i can use seven elemental power.The one i use is lightning"I said.

"Thats amazing.I wish i can see more "Yoimiya said.

"I don't think so Yoimiya,imagine if they know about this power..Bbb will be targeted.If i not mistaken the Death Eater already move their plan but its rumours"Childe said.

"I think i should tell the truth.But we need to meet someone"Yoimiya said.

"Who?"I asked.

"Professor Morax"Yoimiya said.

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