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Two months later...

"Yeayy Christmas Eve  .i cannot wait to celebrate with my family.Yoimiya and Bbb,are you guys celebrate too,?"Childe asked happily.

"Well..we have our own to celebrate Christmas.In my place,usually we gather and eating together.Besides i live at snow is normal for me.How bout you Bbb "Yoimiya said.

"My country dont have winter season.No snow but we do have place to play snowball"Bbb said

"Awww poor you about i bring you guys to my house at Russia.We gonna play snow together muhehehe..especially snowball fight"Childe smirked.

Yoimiya and Bbb sweatdropped.Every students decided to go home during Christmas Eve.Even Childe decided to go home same with Yoimiya.Bbb guessed he should go home too.He smiled.Maybe he could asked Ali to go home with him.Spend time together at Pulau Rintis.

He actually investigate Ali background.He suprised Ali was an agent.Well nothing can escape from alien thecnologies.Maybe Ali kept secret from him for a reason.If he was an agent...theres possiblity he came here.. maybe he didnt have mission or maybe he wasnt allow to go for mission.

"Dont worry guys imma gonna sent you some present"Childe grinned smiled.

Yoimiya and Bbb just nodded.Chridtmas Eve was just around the corner.Only few students stayed here.

Timeskip..timeskip ..

Its two days before Christmas Eve,Ali groaned as Viktor didnt want to go home due he celebrated Christmas with his friends.Must be bored if he stayed at home without Viktor.

"Hey Ali,why so sad?"Bbb asked him.

"Oh Boboiboy.Just thinking what to do during Christmas.My friend celebrated here  with his friend.."Ali sighed.

"Oh Viktor.He told me too..thats why he ask me to meet you"Bbb smiled.

Ali looked at Boboiboy and smiled.

"So how bout you spend your Christmas at my house.Besides we can have fun know something with thecnology"Bbb chuckled

Ali gulped when Boboiboy mentioned bout thecnology.Do Boboiboy knew his secret....if he did..Ali gonna be expelled!!
Bbb smiled and walked away as Childe and Yoimiya called him.

Ali was paled.Oh crap what he should do.Anyway Ron and Harry would stay at Hogwarts while Hermione already went home early.Hmm...should he follow back Boboiboy...well if he returned home he would be lonely

"Hey Ali,what you doing?"Bennett asked him.

"Oh nothing.How bout you"Ali asked him.

"Well im going back to German.Family gathering.Anyway Fischl want to meet you.Im not sure but seem urgent"Bennett said.

Fischl was standing at the corridor waited for Ali came.She had to go home early due her family gathering.She decided to gave christmas present to Ali.For Bennett she alrady gave to him.
Few minutes later,Ali arrived and smiled to her.

"Hey Fischl,Bennett told me that you want to meet me.Is there any something you want to say"Ali said.

Fischl nodded.She then gave him a purple box to Ali.She told to open during Christmas Day.Ali nodded.

"I dunno what to give but i will  give something.Wait on that time.Anyway have safe journey Fischl"Ali grinned smile.

Fischl blushed and smiled.Shs nodded.

Shs nodded

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