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Its been month at Hogwarts...Halloween was just around the corner.Bbb and Yoimiya were astonished why Childe seem excited .

"Guys you seem not excited bout Halloween...cmon cheer up.We are going to scare with muggle way muhahaha"Childe laughed evilly.

"Dude,we know about Halloween just in our place we dont celebrated it.Besides if we celebrate.. believe us your gonna traumatize if we dress up as ghosts"Yoimiya smirked

Childe astonished and he was more curious and asked bout the ghost at hid friends.Bbb and Yoimiya looked at each others and grinned evil smile made Childe gulped bit.

"We will show you.Besides Near Headless Nick invite us to join hid birthday party..well his birthday party was on Halloween.So i think we will show you "Bbb smiled

Childe questioned Bbb on how he got invitation from Gryffindor Ghost.

"Dunno but he said that my ancestor is his bestie.."Bbb shrugged.

It was raining heavily at night.Evrry students and teachers were having dinner.Ali was reading book of transfiguration...he seem interested more in transfiguration especially abkut Auror...a person can turn into animal for disguise.He asked bout this to Professor McGonagall and she said being Auror not easy and need to be certified.Hmm.Ali could tell ..he need to train lot.One wrong step could lead to mutation.But what kind animal he can transform??.

Bennett noticed that Hermione still wasnt with them.Yeah he knew that girl sulked after Ron talking bad bout her.Bennett worried bit.He could tell something bad luck would happen.Suddenly Professor Quinrell came into hall in rushing and panic.

"Troll!..Troll!! dungeon!!"he said before collapsed due exhausted.

The students started panicked and screaming.Dumbledore then asked every house prefect to evacuate the students.Ali grabbed Bennett hand.

"The girl toilet is near at dungeon right!?"Ali asked him.

"Yes..oh crap.Hermione in danger!!?"Bennett said.

Ali said that  he saw Harry and Ron went towards the girl toilet.Bennett noticed something ..Wheres Fischl!??..Gahh dont tell that girl went to toilet at this time!!!?.
Meanwhile Bbb,Childe and Yoimiya looked on Professor Quinrell who being checked by Madam Pomfrey.

"Childe,is it troll suppose being lock somewhere.How come it escape?"Yoimiya asked.

"Something not right.Unless..Сука!!.Comrade follow me"Childe then ran to the girl toilet.

Bbb nodded.Yoimiya groaned and then followed them and she noticed something...moving at Professor Quinrell head...okay thats weird.

Fischl and Hermione screamed as the troll attacked them crazily.Fischl tried to cast spell but her wand was thrown away.Two of them were under sink.

"Hiyyargh"Bennett arrived and hit troll head with rock nearby.

"Protego!"Ali sent protection spell on Fischl and Hermione.

Harry and Ron tried to distract the troll with Bennett.Ali need to do something as the troll started getting aggressive.

"Bennett!!Use that spell"Ali screamed.

Bennett nodded as without hesitation he took out his wand and pointed to troll weapon.

"Wingardium LeviOsa!!"Bennett casted spell.

The troll weapon floated and then hit troll head but that troll became more aggressive.It roared and do chaos.Hermione and Fisch screamed.Harry ,Ron and Bennett plunged back due troll amok.Ali had no idea what to do as this was his first time face troll.

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