New Friends

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Weird i being told by Admiral Tarung that i was frozen from any missions untill being informed  except my friends.Okay thats odd.I even asked my friends but they didnt know too.Nevermind.My grandma said i would be put in second year because of some reason.Everything being pack up.The thing to go there?.

"BBB,are you done packing?.We dont want to be late"grandma asked me.

"Everything done."I looked at the luggage  and yeah ...i brought Cattus.

Well i guessed no one would questioned bout it.I wasnt sure if alien thecnology could be use there..if not..i had to manual way.Cattus already sat on my head.I then went out from my room and pulled my luggage...i could tell grandma casted some spell to my luggage.everything can be put.Yeah i leant some case something.i wasnt sure if i could use my elemental powers.Lets see what happened.

My grandma called  me at outside.Yeah i was kinda suprised that Papazola,Mamazila and Pipizola were here.What were they doing here.

"Let me guess guys are also wizard and witches?"I said.



Woah i was amazed when arrived at Hogwarts Station.Yeah after entering 9¼ wall...well yup kinda nervous but worth it.It seem i was only Asian here include Viktor and Aunty Ong.I was still speechless as we arrived here using Portkey.Its quite similar with teleportation...amazing.

" seem your friends are waiting for you..i will accompany Ali here"Aumty Ong said.

I hugged Viktor and waved to him as he joined with his friends.Then Aunty Ong brought me to the train ..i could see every newbies and seniors went into the train.Im suprised all my lugages brought by elves...what a unique creatures.I also brought Comot.Hehehe...

"Okay its time to go Ali.Dont worry..if you need can write letter to me or ask Viktor."Aunty Ong hugged me for a while.

I smiled.Yeah..i missed this mother hugging.I went into the train and searched for compartment.Well its very classic...then i found one..theres a boy with the frog.

"Is this compartment full?"I asked him.

"Not.Come Neville Longbottom.Nice to meet you"said Neville.

I smiled and sat opposite him and introduced myself as Ali Ghazali.He suprised with my name.Seriously???

"Are you from Middle East?"he asked me

Oh my tekno! i suppose to explain.


So i made new friends.. actually twins..Fred Weasley and George Weasley.They were suprised i was from Malaysia and its rare a student from Asia attend to Europe.I just shrugged.And...yeah they were known as pranksters ..oh dear TTM gonna loved them so much.

In BBB mindspace...

Blaze:Finally a worthy partners!!!

Thorn:Yeay..yeay..yeay...ay got partners!!

Cyclone: Let's see what we are made

Solar:For Tesla sake..why you guys not act normal

The Weasley explained about the school and house school.I kinda interested what house i would be sorted.From what i conclude .. Gryffindor more to braveheart... Ravenclaw more to genius.. Slytherin more to cunning and Hufflepuff more to kindhearted i guess.They suprised that i would be in second year as i told them i was homeschool..err that plan actually.

Then we heard a little bit chaos.I decided to check out.Theres two boys were searching something.One of them bumped on me and fell on floor.I helped him up.Two of us stunned and speechless.

"You are Malaysian eyh!?"two of us said surprised.

" meet you.Im Ali Ghazali.You?"Ali said to me.

"Im Boboiboy Amato...anyway what are you guys doing.."I asked him

"Oh Neville and I are searching his frog.My cat accidentally scared it"Ali said to me

I smiled.So i helped him to search Neville frog.Unfortunately we didnt find it.Maybe its somewhere.Ali and Neville thanked me for helping searching.Two of them went back to their compartment.Then i went back to my compartment but i noticed quarelling sound..

"Excuse me what is happening here?"i asked them

"Who are you dino hat"asked the blond boy.

I assumed he was first year stubdent.Why i could tell this boy really annoying and I could fell Quake wanna torched him.

"Err im Boboiboy Amato.And you are?"I smiled

"Im Draco Malfoy...strange name you got.Anyway i want to remind you dont come near with this Weasley..hes poor.If you want anything come to me"Draco walked away.

Holy Milky Way.....this boy really boastful.I then looked at two boys who sighed

"i dont know what happen but surely i dislke that boy behaviour.So you must be Ron Weasley right'I said.

"Yes im..thanks for saving us from that Pureblood maniac"Ron pouted.

I chuckled.His friend....hmm looked familiar...wait was he Harry Potter?.The boy who defeated Dark Lord..Grandma told bout this....hmm this boy must be targeted...yeah he defeated Dark Lord when he was a baby...thats cool

"Anyway i have to go now.Your brothers must be waiting for me .see ya at Hogwarts"I waved to them

As i walking..someone tapped my shoulder.I turned as it was a boy with orange hair.

"Hello comrade...can ask you something"he smile.

I nodded.Whoa his accent seem he from Russia.

"Sure what is it?"i said.

"Oh i just want to your compartment still have space?"he asked.

"Yes..come...btw whats your name.Im Boboiboy Amato"I said.

"Im Childe Tartaglia..nice to meet you comrade"Childe smiled.

nice to meet you comrade"Childe smiled

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