Potion,Flying and Transfiguration

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3rd POV

It was first day of their lesson.Ali had breakfast at hall with his friends especially Bennett.Ali also suprised as he was same year with Harry Potter.Bennett told that Harry had defeated Dark Lord when he was a baby.Kinda impressive.
The first class was potion and would be taught by Professor Snape.Ron told that professor really hated Gryffindor students and always take away house point of Gryffindor easily.Ali just shrugged.

"Hey Bennett,what come after potion?"Ali assumed that potion was a alike chemistry.

"Err..i think flying lesson and then we will learn bout transfiguration.."Bennett said

Ali nodded.Hermione asked them to rush because she disliked to be late.Gosh she really bossy.She alike Alicia.After few minutes they went into dungeon where the potion class located.Ali gulped bit as its getting darker when arrive at the class..Bennett had to grip his hand as he afraid bit.

Yeah they share class with Slytherin and what Ali knew about Slytherin ...they were cunning .boastful..every negative characteristic went to that house.Ali wonder ...if BBB was a bad person but he looked nice.How come BBB sorted into Slytherin.Can Ali be his friend?.Nevermind ..he might want to meet BBB after this.

The potion learning quite interesting but Professor Snape seem aimed questions towards Harry although Hermione knew the answers.Yeah Harry was popular due he defeated Dark Lord.Ali decided to not disturb and what can he concluded Hermione seem show off bit.The potion class end not very well but worth it.

Ali thought the first day would be well but yeah unfortunately not.He made Gryffindor lose 5 points after had a fight with Daphne and Malfoy.It happened that two Slytherin students bullied Fischl by put spell on her drinking at hall.At first Bennett scolded Malfoy and Daphne but he also being face same thing .Ali at first didnt want to interfere but when Malfoy insulted Bennett and Fischl as weak people made him angry

"Bennett,Fischl.lets go somewhere to clean yourself.Let them be fool"Ali said.

Malfoy tried to splashed water on Ali but Ali then sent a spell to that Draco.

"Stupefy"Ali sent a spell made Draco cannot move.

His action being seen by everyone.They weren't expect a first year student could perform Stunned Spell.Ptofessor Snape seem shocked as he saw everything and asked explanation from Ali.

"They bully my friends.They laughed to my friends.Beside Bennett and Fischl dont fight them.The thing is these two bullied mentally on my friends.Look nothing but that not okay..besides Malfoy need to thanks me..if not im gonna Hex him"Ali glared to Malfoy before bringing Fischl and Bennett out from the hall.

if not im gonna Hex him"Ali glared to Malfoy before bringing Fischl and Bennett out from the hall

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"5 points from Gryffindor for using spell.Lucky im not put you a detention...you should be thank",said Professor Snape.

"Thank you professor."Ali said

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