You're Wizards

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"What kind of school is that!?

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"What kind of school is that!?.How am i suppose to save galaxy if i attend this school?Plus its located at Scotland."I said to Tok Aba.

Actually im quite shock after he told me i was a wizard.Yeah who not freak out after an owl landed on my chest last night.Ayo i was still aware after defeating Retakka few months ago..

"Listen my grandson.We will buy your school things  tonight.So get prepare.Oh forgot to tell you .do not tell about this magic because its for your safety.You will  know more when you learn there."Tok Aba said

I sighed.What can i say.This might new ecperience.I could tell all my elemental siblings were really excited.They might elemental but i considered them as my siblings.Okay its time to prepare.Wait a to go there?.Malaysia to Britain?.Maybe Tok Aba knew something to do .otherwise i would ask Ochobot to tekeported us there.

Meanwhile.. ..



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Muhahaha...i was a wizard.Finally imma gonna do more pranks to them especially  that porcupine boy.Wait Viktor said oy those who got magical blood can be there that's mean from who i got?.My father? late mother?.I was sitting beside Viktor and Aunty Ong.In front of us was a middle age woman..i guess she around 60s..wore green dark robes and pointed hat.

"So these are letters for Viktor and Ali.For Viktor,you suppose already know what to do right but Ali i could tell this is your first time.I would like to explain more detail but i believe Ong would explain more to you.",she said.

"Don't worry Professor McGonagall.I will explain to Ali.

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