Dark Lord

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Fischl winced after she felt her head  kinda wanna explode.She got mirage of Harry,Ron and Hermione went into the dungeon for retrieving Philosopher Stone.She also saw Ali and Bennett at the gigantic chest...Nahida noticed Fischl behaviour.

"Fischl,are you okay?"Nahida asked her.

"Im fine.Maybe i just study a lot last night ."Fischl said.

She then looked at Ali and Bennett at Gryffindor Table.They are laughed each other while had dinner.She could tell Ali and Bennett involved in that plan.She need to go to there..she worried bout them.Maybe she could help with her Inner Eye.Yes....she didn't want to use this....She hated..as she saw future...bad future.She the only Verurteilung family who inherited Inner Eye after her great grand mother,Cassandra.

Meanwhile at Slytherin Table..

Childe was arguing with the others seniors and well it end with handwrestling....Childe won and he got 100 Galleon.Yoimiya groaned.Meanwhile Bbb was looking at Ali .Why he could tell that boy would involve in that plan.Yes Professor Morax already gave hints to them for passing the obstacles.They just need to supervise....if situation get out they need to involve.


Everyone already slept.Ali and Bennett woke up as Harry, Hermione and Ron were waiting for them.Yeah that three trio finally cooperated with Ali and Bennett after Hermione explained.

"Theres several obstacles that we need to pass.First i we need to pass the dog by playing harp."Hermione said.

"Where you guys wanna go"Neville came out nowhere.

They just facepalmed.Ali had no much time so he hit some pressure point on Neville body made him fell back and unable to move.

"This give us some times.Dont worry,i just do muggle thing.No harm"Ali said.

"Did you just chi blocking him Ali?", Hermione jawdropped.

"Kinda"Ali laughed.

Bennett sighed.Then they went out and rushed to level three corridor....and the first one they need to face three headed dog.. they arrived.

"Where the heck the harp...."Bennett said in horror.

"Snape must retrieving so anyone  cannot take the stone after Dark Lord"Harry sighed.

Ali was informed by Hermione that only harp can calm that monster.Something tell him that he can tame that monster.He gulped.

"Im not sure but worth it to try"Ali walked toward the three headed dog

The others just jawdropped. The monster roared to Ali but Ali looked at them seriously and sharply.

"Know your place"Ali said coldly

The monster bowed and moved aside made the others shocked.Hermione made a mental note..she suspected something special on Ali....no wizards or witches can tame the beast unless they learned about beast .

"Okay guys lets go"Ali said as he jumped down into the underground door followed by Harry and Ron

Bennett facepalmed.They heard Ali screamed for helping and sometimes cursing.

"They forgot do they"Hermione facepalmed.

"You know the spell right"Bennett sighed

"Which one you prefer ... good way or brutal way"Hermione giggled.

"Up to you Hermione..better we rush before that vine strangled them to death"Bennett said.

"You know this is Madam Pomfrey work right"Hermione said.

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