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After weeks later,Ali and the others returned back to Hogwarts for learning and besides they would had final years exam.Ali,Bennett and Fischl did studygroup together.Bennett noticed that Fischl always be with Ali made Bennett facepalmed of the year.Well two of them were officially couple and Bennett was happy to their relationship but he advised them to not show their couple ship as he didnt want two of his bestie being gossiped.Ali and Fischl agreed and to make they agreed,Bennett made a contract with which was...they could officially couple when in Year 5.At first Fischl complainted but after Ali explained,she seem understood.

"Do you guy notice that Harry,Ron amd Hermione always in library.What make me weird, they interested with ancient magical artifact"Bennett said

"I dunno guys but they seem investigate something.Two night ago,i heard Harry got nightmare about his death parents.Rumors said He Should Not Be Name still haunted him"Ali said

"Guys,i think they ran into something that first year students shouldnt.How bout we investigated"Fischl whispered.


"I must said this is unexpected truth comrade.it seem that Dark Lord still alive although in bad condition"Childe said seriously.

Yoimiya told that Snape had quarrel with Quinrell when she and Fred ran away from pranking some ghosts.Childe explained that he hated Dark Lord even he came from Tartaglia family-one of Pureblood family that specialize in assassination.

"I lost my uncle because of him.He forced us to kill every muggleborn witch and wizard during the First War.Our family nearly wipe out by his crazy assistant Bellatrix Lestrange....thank to your grandmother ...she save us from death.Thats why im kinda suprise you are her grandson"Childe said to Bbb

Bbb nodded and suprised that his grandma save Tartaglia family.Who Bellatrix Lestrange ..why sound like a maniac person.Yoimiya concluded that Harry might be in danger...

"I guess Harry and his friend might aware.Dont you see that Hermione always hangout together with Harry and Ron lately .I could they might find something interesting "Bbb smiled

"Hey i heard Hagrid got something special ..i could bet that dragon egg"Yoimiya said.

"Ayo girl,we know that breed dragon is illegal "Childe said.

"Why illegal?"Bbb asked.

"Well they are said dangerous and man eater.Besides at my place we use to face dragon.And yeah dragon hunting..catch and release"Childe laughed.

"Wanna see him"Yoimiya said.

Childe and Bbb nodded


Bbb,Childe and Bbb went to meet Hagrid.After Childe asked him about dragon and yeah Yoimiya brew a sake to him made Hagrid showed to them dragon egg and he asked them to keep it secret.

"It seem it need to be more time but not so long.Hey Hagrid how did you get this",Childe was curious.

"Err.."Hagrid seem hesitated.

"Dont worry Hagrid..you can count on us.We might Slytherin but not bite our own friend"Bbb chuckled.

Yoimiya offered the sake to Hagrid.Hagrid sighed then he explained to them and yeah he accidentally said bout Philosopher Stone made Childe smirked.He looked at Bbb and Yoimiya.Two of them nodded.

Three of them thanked to Hagrid and yeah Yoimiya gave him a basket of Naku Weed made Childe and Bbb looked at her in horror face.

"For sake Tsaritsa,you give that stuff to him"Childe gulped.

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