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alfea, school for the gifted
or mentally insane as i say. 

you have two types of people here
specialists and fairies

there's not much difference between us, except the specialists are the fighters. the army that protect our school and then the fairies, paired with the specialists with the cool magic. specialists are born in this realm, the main one ruled by the queen and fairies can be born all over. 

i am both. well, technically i'm a fairy but i've grown up as a specialist. i ain't gonna get into the gory details about my life but run down is, im an orphan with weird ass powers and i grew up in a school. dunno how im still sane, probably my roommates. they aren't usually terrible but this year, they seem to be an odd mix. 

first, there's terra. she's an oddball. she's an earth fairy and has good control over her powers but then again, most earth fairies do. they aren't all too dangerous but they have some serious thing for plants. terra isn't bad, she loves plants and fills her room with them. i've seen her around a lot, she grew up on campus, same as me but we've never really talked until now. her father is professor Harvey and she has a hot brother but he's off limits and not my type. 

musa. she's cool, she likes the kind of stuff i do but has some serious social anxiety and weird obsession with her headphones. she's a mind fairy, empath, which explains a lot but it's still strange. mind fairies are so cool, i personally love mind fairies and they are quite dangerous and have different types of power. telekinesis, telepathy, psychokinesis. it varies from the fairy. 

stella. she's an actual princess and a bit stuck up, not going to lie. but i sort of get it, she's got a controlling mother. she blinded her bestfriend in my first year, not sure why but yeah. she's not psycho though, she's actually nice when you gain her trust. stella and me are friends, she used to date sky so i naturally became friends with her. she's a light fairy, quite dangerous. they can blind you with too much power and make you see things with good control. 

aisha. she is defiantly a teachers pet and a morning person, god, she's up at the crack of dawn doing laps in the minging river. but hey, she's as quiet as she can be and never wakes me up. she's a water fairy, dangerous. they could drown you, no joke. she manipulates water and can make cool shapes with it. there's two different types of water fairies, the ones who can generate water and the ones who can manipulate water. 

last but not least, bloom. she is so cool and very pretty. all of my roommates are pretty but bloom is even prettier. she's a fire fairy. second most dangerous fairy to exist. she grew up in the other world and has an american accent, it's quite strange but i've gotten used to it. bloom doesn't have all that much control over her power but she's extremely powerful. i wonder if she has red hair, because she's a fire fairy. fire fairies love red, just a natural fact.

so that's my crew, minus me, of course.
annabelle. a dark fairy. 

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