TWO. tracking a burned one

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chapter twotracking a burned one

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chapter two
tracking a burned one



The soft pitter patter on the panes of glass is what wakes Annabelle, or it was what would've woken her. The girl barely got two hours of sleep last night, awoken by the same familiar nightmare. The same thing on repeat that never fails to wake her with a start, sitting in a pool of her own sweat, what made it worse this year is that she has roommates, no screaming. Last year, Anna didn't have roommates, she stayed in her old bedroom near Farah's office, this year Farah insisted she have roommates. 

The girls lays on her bed, dark eyes staring up at the same poster she's been staring at for hours. Her arms crossed over her stomach and fingers tapping a soft rhythm against her skin. She could hear the talking going on outside, the girls already awake and chatting to one another. Annabelle is not a morning person, she hates getting out of bed, the comfy mattress accepting her sleepless nights. But today she doesn't find it difficult, she simply gets out of bed and picks out her clothes. 

It's first day of training, Annabelle wears a long sleeved black shirt with black army pants and just a simple hoodie over the top, she decided to straighten her hair today, putting the curls to rest and leaving the straight strands cascading down her back, sitting softly in a point just before the back pockets. Her army pants are high rise, coming softly into the dip of her waist. 

Annabelle picks up her combat boots, slipping her feet into them. The thick soled boots hit the wooden flooring with a ruff thump as the Alexander girl steps out of her bedroom, met with Stella stood in the same clothes as yesterday and the rest of the suite fairies. "Fun night, Barbie?" Annabelle smirks a little, eyeing the missing makeup and slightly astray hair, "Let me guess... with Ken was it?" 

"Shut up, Smalls." Stella rolls her eyes. Annabelle chuckles, heading towards the coffee machine, moving past Musa and Bloom. "Can't believe you wear this shit." The blonde reaches forward and plucks on the tightly fitting shirt, slapping it against her skin. Annabelle jumps, spinning around and glaring at the Light fairy, "Sorry, don't murder me."

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