ONE. new year. new start

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chapter onenew year

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chapter one
new year. new start



It was an interesting season in Alfea, students usually went home with their parents, maybe even travelled to the other world for a holiday, see new sights. It was the hottest time of year, the sun beating down onto the beautiful flowers that bloomed over the year, longer days and happier weather. The windows went down and the clothes became less, by a lot. Girls saw this as an opportunity to break out the booty shorts and crop tops that covered nothing. Boys saw this as an opportunity to walk around shirtless. 

However, now it's autumn, the dreary old autumn. Autumn had it's good and it's bad days, it's usually raining but if your lucky, you get good weather. The leaves fall from the trees, crunching under your feet when you walk through the woods, the sun going down earlier, storms. It was Annabelle's favourite time of year, besides Christmas. She loved Christmas, playing in the snow, getting cozy with movies and sipping hot chocolate. She liked wearing clothes that covered her body in the autumn but still had a bit of style, she mostly just wore her uniform but if she wasn't, she's wear something cute. 

Start of a new year. Second year for Annabelle and new first years. Anna hadn't left the school grounds, minus the week she spent in the hospital in the big city for a sickness bug she had obtained from a plant that Terra had made. She had ventured out past the barrier, like always and practised with her magic but she started doing it less closer to the start of term and soon she just stopped doing it all together. Annabelle either spent her time sat in her room, doing nothing or training for the next year, she was one of the best specialists, with a perfect aim and agility. 

Annabelle walked out into the courtyard, Stella requested if she'd meet the new girl, Bloom. Bloom is a fire fairy, a girl from the other world. Stella had not given her any information other that she's ginger and has an american accent, the blonde hadn't really been all to bothered. Today she wore comfy clothing, leggings and a hoodie, with her hair just the natural curly mess it usually was. Her eyes swept over the sea of first years, trying to fish out the red heads. Two were male and two were female. 

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