SEVEN. four months later

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chapter sevenfour months later

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chapter seven
four months later



Four months without Farah and Silva, Annabelle isn't sure how she's still functioning, the people who are raised her aren't with her anymore. She knows where Saul is but Dowling, she has no idea and hasn't been able to contact her. Anna has spent her mornings learning fairy things, afternoons training as a Specialist and evenings blowing off steam with Riven. She never really gets a break, it's just a constant cycle that Rosalind has her on.

Over the four months, Anna has changed quite a bit. Her hair has grown longer and a lot darker, almost black. Her magic has grown more powerful and she has gotten a lot better at fighting, in a more rough way. Andreas's methods are a lot harder then Silva's and a lot more effective. She's grown taller and her emotions have grown a lot stronger, changing rapidly between each other.

Luckily, today, she has a free period which she can spend dong what she loves. Sitting in her dark room alone. The Specialist - Fairy stands in the Stone Circle, opposite Marco, he stopped going on missions after his injury and Noura's death, Anna and him talk quite a bit and he's been teaching her some cool tricks with her sword but that's about it. He stands tall, chin tilted back and arm hooked behind his back, a small orb of electrical energy hovering above his hand. Students are gathered around, watching the interaction.

"Your emotions are a tool." Rosalind's voice calls out, she stands just a little away from Annabelle. The new headmistress has kept a close eye on the girl over the four months, watching her like a hawk. "Nothing more, nothing less. They're a power source. You've been told to control them."

Marco nods his head a little at Anna, she lifts her right hand, curling her hand into a fist and then flicking her fingers out, a violently dark cloud hovers above her palms, swirling around inside an almost clear bubble. She feels the familiar power surge through her veins, something she's become accustom to now, with her new knowledge of her magic, it's become easier to control it. "This isn't always the best option."

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