THREE. reckless behaviour

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chapter threereckless behaviour

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chapter three
reckless behaviour



Aisha yells as her and Bloom drag a semi - conscious Annabelle Alexander into the entrance hall, she groans in pain, barely being able to keep herself upright. "Someone help!" Aisha shouts, struggling under Anna's weight, Riven comes running towards them, quick on his feet. 

"What the hell happened?" He asks, taking Annabelle's arm off of Bloom's shoulders and puts it over his, using his arm to hold her waist, keeping her up right and the rest of her weight laid against him. Aisha and Bloom follow him as Riven begins to move, pulling her with him, she just moves her feet, tripping a little as he moves quickly. 

"She used her magic." This brings the brunette boy to a stop, he looks back at Bloom, "I saw it." Her chest heaves up and down, "She was fine and then she collapsed, I don't know what happened."

"Go back to your dorm, I've got it from here." Riven orders, helping Annabelle up the steps and out of sight from the prying eyes. He takes her to his room, it's empty as he expected. Anna has regained consciousness by that time and beginning to come round, putting some of her own weight onto her feet. Riven helps her onto his bed, sitting her down on it before pulling up a chair and sitting before her. 

Anna has her head rested against the hall, eyes closed and her breathing shallow and hoarse. "I overdid it." She mutters, eyes opening as she looks down at her fingers. Riven bites on the inside of his lip, worriedly looking at Anna, following her expressions. "With my magic. I haven't used that much power that quickly in, like, forever so it just kind of hit me." 

"Does it hurt?" Riven frowns a little, dipping his chin. Annabelle looks up, meeting his gaze. Her eyes are glassed over with tears, brewing up a storm in her gaze. Her eyes are bloodshot but not with the usual red tinge, it's black. At the corners of her eyes, they are pitch black and slowly fade into the veins of her eyes, touching to her deep brown iris. "Oh, my god."

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