TWELVE. powerful magic comes with bad consequences

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chapter twelvepowerful magic comes with bad consequences

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chapter twelve
powerful magic comes with bad consequences



Two weeks since Annabelle came back to life and she's not uttered a word about what happened, drowning herself into training and magic. Silva and Rosalind were both insistent that she have a few days off to recharge, most people where but she ignored them and continued to work herself to the core, biting back any exhaustion and just fighting the entire time. 

Truth be told, Anna was drowning in her own mind, her thoughts sucking her up whole, falling into the void. Powerful magic comes with bad consequences, she should've learnt that a long time ago. It doesn't help the fact that she is wondering why Sebastian killed her after everything, he still killed her. It pained her to think that their bond was all just fake. 

She fights roughly against a third year, violently with her sword, slicing it through the air with a whooshing sound and knocking the third year to the floor, holding the sword just before her stomach. Anna doesn't even help her up, sliding her sword back into her holster and walking away. The girl sits down on the bench, pulling her water bottle out of her bag and almost drinking the whole thing down. 

"Anna, go take a break, please." Silva sits down beside her, giving her a firm look, "You are exhausted and you've been fighting basically non-stop since it all happened." Annabelle rolls her eyes, shoving her bottle into her bag and walking away. Silva jogs after her, "Anna! Stop." Anna rolls her eyes, turning around to look at Silva, "What is wrong with you? You've been in a mood for the last two weeks, cmon."

"Maybe it's because I was killed by one of the people I actually trusted." Annabelle cocks a brow, "I trusted Sebastian and he just... he just killed me." She squints up at the tree line, "I was dead for almost an hour, I shouldn't be back but I am. I find it unfair how I'm still fine and others are injured, like Beatrix and Musa."

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