FIVE. warrior's war

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chapter fivewarrior's war

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chapter five
warrior's war



She spins on her foot, sword raised and eyes peeled, ears strained, listening for the Burned One. The dew from the grass makes it harder for her to move, the dark clouds hanging in the sky promising rain making it harder to see but she still fights, with Bloom by her side, or behind her. The two girls slowly move in a circle, ready to attack. "Where is it?" Annabelle asks, her hair slightly damp from the misty rain that fell not moments ago. 

"I don't know, stay close." Bloom orders, Annabelle looks along the tip of her sword, waiting for the Burned One to show itself. They move, following the noises, on their toes and ready for battle. The hairs on the back of Anna's neck stand up and she spins around, spotting the large dark figure of the unmistakable Burned One. It runs straight for them. 

"Bloom!" Annabelle yells, seeing that it's coming closer, panic in her tone. But it's not long, only a second, Bloom raises her head, eyes glowing orange and she takes a step back before firing a large stream of flames towards the Burned One. It catches on fire, sizzling its skin but it does nothing and continues to run for them. 

"Anna!" Bloom calls, Annabelle drops her sword, arms immediately flying out and dark plumes of shadow coming from her palms, wrapping around the Burned One, ripping it in half. The thing bursts into flakes before being sucked into a diamond like thing, falling to the damp grass. Anna wipes her nose, sighing and glancing at Bloom before picking up her sword, "How many of these things do we have to fight?"

"Until you can kill one, then we can stop." The Dark Fairy explains, wiping the sweat and rain water off her forehead. Bloom sighs, watching as the darkly haired girl slides her sword back into its scabbard. Her eyes catch onto a small slice on Annabelle's cheek and she frowns. 

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