FOUR. ghost of the past

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chapter fourghost of the past

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chapter four
ghost of the past



Her wound has fully healed but she is still weak, Silva banned her from the Bastian for a month after her little show down with the Burned One. Anna hasn't really showed her face in school, ditching class and just spending her day in bed. She died. And that's something that Farah made sure that no one found out but still, the rumour had spread that she was dead and it was a nasty rumour, that Sky had accidentally stabbed her or Stella had burnt a hole in her chest. 

So Annabelle resorted to hiding in her bedroom, not only was she hiding from the school but she was hiding from Riven, not wanting to bump into him after what he said about Terra and that they kissed. He still texts her, wondering when he'll next see her but Anna never responds. Sky spends most of his time at the Bastian or in Anna's room, sat on her window bench just keeping her company. Anna would love to be alone though. 

And she is now, she hugs her pillow close to her chest, sat in a dark room with her phone faced downwards and her body covered by her duvet. The darkness is comfort though, she hates light in general, maybe it was being a shadow fairy but anyway, Annabelle felt like a vampire in disguise. Morning time, the worst because Anna was rudely awoken by the nightmares that had been made from that night. 

"Smalls, you need to get out of bed." Stella opens the door, letting the light file into the dark room. Annabelle covers her head with her duvet but ends up getting it ripped off the bed by Bloom, who stands at the foot of her bed, a hand on her hip, "Just because you kissed Riven doesn't mean you can mope in here." 

"It's not just that." Annabelle mutters, rolling onto her side, facing away from the door. "I died, Stel. If I set foot in the corridors I become the laughing stock, the thing everyone stares at, points at, whispers about. I hate it."

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