EIGHT. nothing ever lasts forever

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chapter eightnothing ever lasts forever

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chapter eight
nothing ever lasts forever



There he is. Annabelle stands beside Andreas, arms clasped behind her back and chin tilted upwards, the vehicle engine is still on, ready to move. The darkly haired girl swallows thickly, jaw clenching when her vision lands on Silva, her head spins a little and her heart aches, seeing him the way he is. Silva catches her gaze but Anna quickly averts it, flicking her dark eyes away to hide the pain from him that she knows he would be able to see even with the strong facade she performs with. 

Anna looks over at Riven, he gives her a tight nod, barely moving his head but it's enough, it's enough to know that he's there for her. The Solarian guard is rough with Saul, he stumbles a little, his legs weak from the rough beatings he's received for weeks on end. The Alexander girl opens the door to the truck, pulling it open and looking at the sky when the guards shove Silva into the car. She almost flinches, hearing the grunt of pain that elicits from the ex-teacher when he roughly hits the ground but she stays strong. 

Andreas climbs in after him and Anna stands tall, ears strained and listening to the conversation. She gives a firm nod to the Solarian guards and they retreat back to their posts. "You look like actual dog shit, Saul." Andreas chuckles, looking him up and down. "And you smell worse." Anna had to admit that Andreas was right, Silva did not look in the best condition, but that could be expected. Solarian prisons are brutal, they encourage fights between prisoners, starve them, isolate them. It's horrible in there.

Anna has been inside one before, during a visit to one of her last living relatives when she was young, she can vaguely remember what it's like but what she does remember is how violent it was. Guards positioned in every place, screams echoing around, it was horrible and gave her nightmare for a week. Her last living relative, Uncle, died a few months after that. 

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