SIX. little dark one

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chapter fivelittle dark one

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chapter five
little dark one



And she listens. Annabelle walks along the edge of the barrier, her ears strained as she attempts to locate a Burned One in the forest. Riven watches her from afar as the other Specialists try to work out where the creatures could be as well. "Anna! Round up." Silva orders, Annabelle follows, walking toward the group of Specialists and leaving her post along the barrier, "What's the situation?"

"I think the Burned One's through there, Anna?" Kat looks to the Dark Fairy, Annabelle crosses her arms over her chest and looks back over her shoulder, squinting at the dark tree line. 

"I can feel them, six of them, but I'm having difficulty locating them but yes, I think your right, Kat. They might be through there." She sighs a little, looking at Riven and he gives her a tight smile, mouthing, 'We need to talk'. Annabelle nods in agreement, looking back to Kat, "How can you be sure?" 

"Pull it up." The Specialist looks at Riven, he nods, pulling out his phone and pulling up the video from Noura being brutally murdered by the Burned Ones. From the phone comes screams and crunches of bones, bloody squelching and splattering onto the floor. Annabelle winces, turning away and closes her eyes. 

"Kat." Silva orders, his voice firm, drawing the attention of the Specialists. 

"I recognise the hollow Noura ran past." Kat informs, looking to him, giving a slight nod of her head and shutting off the video. 

"Right, let's go." He's off, on his feet and ready to fight the Burned One's. 

"Wait, wait. Without fairies." Riven stops him, pulling Silva back to the crowd. Annabelle clears her throat, looking at the brunette, "Sorry, forgot. But still, there is six Burned Ones out there, that's fucking stupid."

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