FOURTEEN. emotions control you

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chapter fourteenemotions control you

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chapter fourteen
emotions control you



Bloom explains. The Specialists had made their way back to school after the news from Bavani, it was light and everyone was exhausted with the no sleep. Annabelle especially, with her body still reviving itself after she died she needed the sleep and the lack of it would make her fighting worse. "I don't know how many Blood Witches, but enough to take over every Specialist there, last night."

"They knew we were making a move on their hideout." Silva says with a nod of his head, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"And we drank the last of the Blood Witch antidote. Fucker." Riven growls, shaking his head. Annabelle bites worriedly on her bottom lip, she sits on the bonnet of the truck, her feet legs crossed beneath her. Her mind flicks back to the singular vile of Blood Witch antidote in the case and wonders if they remember it. 

"They took over every Specialist?" Dane asks, a little worried, his eyes darting between the Specialists. 

Bloom hums in response, nodding her head, "Fairies didn't have it much better, either. Sebastian basically bought an army of Scrapers to take them down." Anna looks up to the sky, shaking her head in anger before climbing off the truck and jumping onto the ground. 

"I'm gonna kill this fucker." Anna touches her hands to her head, pacing back and forth. "Are they all drained?" She voices everyones thoughts, it's obvious what the worried Specialists are thinking. 

"Not yet." Bloom shakes her head, pulling her phone from her pocket and showing Silva a video."They're being held under the school, taken to him one by one." It's Bavani being dragged into a room, her face bloodied and her uniform tattered, "We're thinking he can't handle a lot of magic at once."

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄 , rivenWhere stories live. Discover now