NINE. man hunt

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chapter nineman hunt

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chapter nine
man hunt



Terra's second cousin and best friend, Flora Harvey, had arrived this morning. She looked nothing like Terra, she had crazy curly hair that almost matched Anna's but was a little crazier and shorter and dark brown eyes, almost the complete opposite to Terra. Anna had to admit, Flora was beautiful and she was sure that Riven wouldn't mind her saying that, he'd probably enjoy it. She was also an Earth Fairy, like Terra. Something that runs in the Harvey bloodline, obviously. 

Annabelle sits beside Musa, unpacking a box that Flora has, she fishes out some clothing, raising an interested brow at what Flora's style is like. "Really, can I convince all of you to stop being so helpful?" Flora chuckles, turning away from her plant, not that they needed anymore in the suite. "I could've gone six months without un-packing."

"Then we'd find Terra with a torch doing it all by herself." Anna sighs a little, glancing at the blonde fairy who rolls her eyes.

"As I was saying, Flora grew up all over. Bit of a wild lifestyle for my aunt and uncle's work." Terra explains, breaking the silence that had come between the fairies. 

"As wild as horticultural research fellows can be." Flora corrects, crouching down beside Terra. 

"So, extremely?" Musa cocks a brow, chuckling a little. 

"And, you're cousins? Like actual cousins?" Aisha asks, still a little shell-shocked from how different they look. 

"Uh, second cousins by marriage." Flora quickly saves Terra who doesn't seem to know how to answer. Anna looks up at them, pressing her lips into a tight line. "But weirdly, we have the same crooked pinkies." They connect their pinky fingers, giggling with each other. 

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