TEN. vips and alums

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chapter tenvips and alums

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chapter ten
vips and alums



Probably one of the worst ideas Annabelle has ever had but it still doesn't top the idea she had back when she was a first year and attempted to fight a third year and ended up with four broken ribs, a broken wrist and leg, a black eye and a fat lip. Anna struggles with the bags that Aisha has handed her, giving her the heavy ones because of her strength, underneath her jacket her muscles flex with the heavy things that Aisha has stacked on her. 

The Water Fairy walks out of the shop, jogging down the steps and handing Bloom a box of something, "Oh... I swear you gave me all the heavy stuff." The red head grunts, readjusting her bags to hold onto the box. 

"I actually gave it all to Anna because she's the strongest." Aisha gives the Specialist - Fairy a bright grin making her roll her eyes and mentally give her the middle finger. "Sorry but it's true and you both volunteered for this."

"Uh, I volunteered for a simple banquet errand so that we could leave school and see Sebastian." Bloom interjects, sighing in annoyance. "Then someone came up with the additional ideas to make the banquet really sing." She flashes the plant stashed in a bag, rolling her eyes. 

"The Alumni Banquet is a big deal. Every important Alfea grad from the past 50 years will be there." Aisha explains, giving Bloom a knowing look but the red head just giggles. 

"And you want them to know you helped with the centrepieces?" She cocks a brow. Aisha rolls her eyes. 

"I only came to get away from Rosalind but okay." Annabelle nods, struggling with the heavy bags she's lobbing around, especially getting down the steep stone stairs that Bloom leads them down. 

"You really wanna know?" The Water Fairy asks, ignoring Anna's comment and looking at the Fire Fairy, who hums in response, "Tonight was always step one of my twenty year plan." They stop at the end of the steps, Bloom places a bag onto the wall and flicks her head out her face as Anna flops down on the bench, sighing in relief when she places the bags beside her, "Headmistress Dowling would sing my praises to the alums. I'd intern for one of them at the Capitol, come back to Alfea to teach, work my way up, eventually, at an Alumni Banquet, Dowling would step down and I'd become headmistress."

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