Chapter 3

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Remus didn't know what to do. He always knew Sirius was ok about werewolves but he was always too ok, he never really thought about the consequences of it, those consequences haunted Remus day in and day out, but the difference with him and Phoenix was she was far more reckless and much like Sirius didn't think about what she was doing could conclude with, and that made him fear for her safety and others.

He now looked at his grinning daughter after she had transformed back from a cat. "We need to talk" Remus spoke and the two followed him to the living room. It seemed like they were having regular conversations here. The room was actually quite nice, it reminded them all of the Gryffindor common room the house where they had all been placed in. "Look Phoenix, the full moon is in nine days, and we don't know if you'll transform then, but theres got to be precautions, you'll get given the potion then too, and we'll go where I stay beforehand, but if the full moon comes and you don't transform, you will go with your dad back home" he said. She knew Sirius would be there, every full moon he goes with Remus, they leave at midday and don't return till late the next day, she always stays with James and Regulus at this time but it seems that won't happen any longer.

"Any the secrecy of this is going to very tight, don't tell any of your friends, you don't want rumours" he said. "But you told yours" she argued. "Some of them figured it out, but I trusted them" he argued back. "But what if I trust mine?" She asked. "You can't be sure, you don't want to end up being an outcast" he said. "Fine, go on" she said. "You've got to become responsible for your actions, no slip ups, you can't have anyone know, or anyone follow you, it could jeopardize there safety" he said. "So pretty much be a uptight motherfucker and just try not to kill no one" she said. "Language!" Remus yelled. "Moony calm down" Sirius urged, they were all standing at this point. "No, because she's not realising what is happening she's been made into a weapon, at this rate she's going to kill a student!" he yelled. "Well I didnt ask for this you know, I'm sorry if I'm not completely and utterly going to swoop into a life of being a uptight prick, I'm not like that" she yelled back. "Phoenix Minnie Black-Lupin, go to your room" he yelled and so she did. She stomped angrily to her room and then transformed into a cat and went towards her Uncle's home.

She transformed back and knocked on the door, it was about midday and Regulus open the door. "Hey Uncle Reg can I stay at yours today, the uptight dad and me argued" she told him. "Sure but if they ask I'm gonna tell them your here" he said and she nodded and came and plopped herself on the sofa next to James. "Hey Phoenix" he said, this was quite a normal thing to occur. "Hey uncle James, what's Harry up to?"  She asked. "Currently doing homework, you get all yours done already?" He asked. "Bold of you to assume I'm not gonna do it on the way to my classes" she replied. Regulus came in and sat down in a armchair. "So why did you argue with Remus" he asked. "Baciacly he was trying to control my life now that we know I'm a werewolf, I know that he's a bit of a control freak but it was like he was trying to change me completely" she told him.

"Look he's probably just scared of what could happen" Regulus said. "I know but I'm still trying to process this all and he's telling me all these things, I'm still a kid, I have ten days till it might happen and then I'll go to school and it's going to be so different" she sighed. "It'll be ok Phoenix" James said and she reluctantly nodded. "Uhh I'm actually meant to be in my room right now there gonna murder me" she said. "Blame James" Regulus said. "Hey!" James replied. Then there was a loud gust of air as the fireplace burned green, out stepped Remus. "Have you seen- Phoenix, can you come home now" he said his tone was softer, he had calmed down. She nodded and said goodbye and followed him through the fireplace back to there home.

"You shouldn't of snuck out" Remus said as they stepped in the room. "Sorry" she said her head was bowed. "I shouldn't of shouted" he then said which made her raise her head. "I shouldn't of shouted back and swore" she replied. "I just, I just really wish this wasn't happening to you, and I just don't want there to be bad consequences" he said. She nodded saying "I should start to be more aware of what I'll now be capable of and I need to mature I'm sorry, and I'm sorry if I mess up if I do end up doing something wrong" she said. "You won't" Remus said, it wasn't a order it was as if he was telling the truth. She hugged him tight. "I'm scared Dad, what if I'm different to you, you were bitten, what if it makes me a bad person" she said tears forming in the corners of her eyes. He hugged her back saying "It won't, you'll still be Phoenix, you'll be the same person, nothing would ever change that and I'm sure off it" he said. They then heard a click and then there was a flash and they turned to see Sirius holding a old looking polaroid camera. "That is going on my wall" he said. The two rolled there eyes at him but then laughed.

Soon enough the days were going past fast.

8 days

7 days

6 days

5 days

4 days

3 days

2 days

1 day

(A/n heyyy so I'm hoping to post at least one chapter a day but there will be times where you won't get one for a few days, I'm probably just feeling a bit lazy or I have no idea what to write, Im making this up as I go along literally only thought of the idea yesterday bare with me, but if your still reading this far please comment any thing you may want in the story e.g her friends, some random scenes, characters ect. )

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