Chapter 6

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They reached a hill and went down it, they were next to a woodland area and they set out the mats. Phoenix sat down and found herself between Lee and George. The food began to be set out and Phoenix went into conversation with Lee, Fred and George about how they could prank the new Defense against the dark arts teacher now Quirell was gone. But Phoenix kept feeling eyes on her so she looked to see who it was and was met with Percy's eyes, he looked to his friend instantly who had been talking, his face turning a deep red.

If Phoenix was honest she didn't ever imagine her and Percy getting together, she was rather surprised by the fact that he even supposedly liked her, she was a year younger and the complete opposite to him, she lived on the life of a rebel while he was strict and liked to give and follow orders, there only quality they shared were there sharp and clever minds.

By two in the afternoon they were all pretty full and Fred then suggested they play a game of it tackle. It was like a regular it but to it them you had to tackle them to the ground. Lee, Phoenix, George, Harry, Ron and Ginny agreed while Hermione, Percy and his friend Jason Brooks decided to stay with Mrs and Mr Weasley. It was decided that Lee would be it and so he gave them time to begin to run into the woods. Phoenix wasn't slow but could be called uncoordinated, but she was almost relieved she heard a loud this meaning someone had been tackled. She found a large tree and began to climb it, she got a few branched up and it broke she fell the two metres with a loud this and stood up as soon as she could but in seconds her the sound of running and felt herself being tackled. "Your it Nix" grinned Harry who was next to her. "Run off Potter before I tackle you back" she said and so he did.

But by the time they finished you wouldn't of been surprised if they had all said they had fallen in a ditch, they were covered in mud, cuts, bruises and many items that usual covered the woodland floor. They began to pack up and soon headed back towards the burrow, one by one they began to return to there homes, Jason, then Lee, then Harry and then Phoenix all through the fire.

Phoenix arrived in her living room to see Remus drinking tea a book in hand. He looked up at the sound of her arrival. "Did you get in a fight with a raccoon?" He asked. "No, we were tackling each other, I'm going to clean up" she said and he nodded his eyes going back to the book. She showered and put on a sweatshirt and joggers. They are some meat pie Sirius had managed to make, he was not a good cook but they would never tell him that.

The days seemed to be shortening and Phoenix was becoming more nervous, she had a whole month to become more fearful of what she would happen, and then once again it came, the long agonizing walk the potion that made her brain feel foggy and her bones feel numb and then it was nothing.

She didn't see what Sirius saw, she turned, even smaller then Remus werewolf form when Sirius had first seen it but more wild, new werewolves are rather stronger, they calm over the years but this was going to hopefully be the worst one, but Phoenix had done something Remus werewolf form did, her deep claws sunk into the sides of her bony arms and stayed there, there would definitely be injuries.

When she woke up she was glad to see her parents were both asleep, she got into some clothes as because of the werewolf she had no clothes on. When she was dressed she went to the top and unlocked the chain and she sat and waited for them to awaken. It had happened, she was a werewolf. Her arms were bleeding but she did not care about that her mind was a mess.

Why did this have to happen?

Were people going to figure it out?

How were people going to treat her now? Teachers? Her parents?

And then if she was a werewolf then what kind of a werewolf was her biological parent?

Werewolves weren't to common, and they would of had to be a witch or wizard to, she had only heard of one Fenir Greyback, if she wanted to she could probably figure out who they were but did she really want to know who abandoned her, plus she didn't want anything making a rift between her and her dad's, this seemed like it would view her differently, Sirius didn't ever see the person who was a werewolf the werewolf, but Remus thought he was a monster, what would he truthfully think about her.

They finally came up the stairs and met with her "Should we apparate back?" Sirius suggested as he looked at Phoenix's wounds. "If that was a option why don't we just do that here" she asked as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "It over-tires us to walk so far, it helps weaken the wolf, but yes let's apparate back" Remus replied. The two took Remus arms as he was best at apparition and he spun on the spot and in a flash they were transported back to there home.

Sirius made her sit dow and immediately began to clean her wounds, Remus had sat down to as he, like her was also weak. He applied the potion that would help it heal quicker to it and bandaged it, but they all knew it would be more scars. "You should rest up, you've got to pack tommorow" Sirius said and she nodded walking up to her bedroom, tommorow was the last day of summer and then she would return to school.


A/n- hey guys pls lettme know if you want a love interest and what gender hope your slaying have a cool day

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